2022年3月23日 星期三

New corona infection: changes the brain even in mild cases? English research

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

新型コロナ感染、軽症でも脳に変化か 英研究

2022.03.13 Sun posted at 11:47 JST

(CNN) 新型コロナウイルスに感染すると、たとえ軽症でも脳の萎縮が加速するなどの影響があるとの研究結果が、このほど新たに報告された。














(CNN) Newly reported research results showed that being infected with the new coronavirus even in mild cases had effects such as accelerated atrophy of the brain.

A team led by Associate Professor Gwenael Duau of the University of Oxford, UK, focusing on 401 people aged 51 to 81 years who were infected with the new corona from March 2020 to April 2021, tried to analyze their brain images before infection and the images on average up to 4.5 months after infection. They were compared with a group of 384 people of similar age group who had no history of new corona infection. This study was reported it to the British scientific journal Nature. It was considered to be the largest research in this field.

All these 785 people participated in a project of the British government had collected health data involving 500,000 people since 2012.

According to the researcher group it was found that the brain's gray matter in the group with a history of infection was smaller and the degree of tissue change was bigger compared to the group with no infection.

Duau said in an email to CNN that "I was surprising to see a clear change even in mild cases."

It was said that the gray matter in the area related to memory in the brain generally decreased by 0.2 to 0.3% every year with aging. However, in the group affected by the new corona the tissue matter decreased by 0.2 to 2.0% more per year compared to the group not affected by the new corona.

In addition to diagnostic imaging, the subjects underwent tests for performance and cognitive abilities that were used to diagnose dementia. According to the team, the group with the greatest loss of brain tissue also had lower test scores.

He expressed that while knowing that the areas of the sense of smell seemed to be the most affected, the reason was not clear.

The abnormal changes in the brain seen in the infected group could be associated with the symptoms of the new corona's loss of smell, and as the sense of smell recovered, the abnormalities in the brain might become less noticeable.

It was also possible that the adverse effects of the virus, either directly or indirectly by an inflammatory or immune response, might diminish over time.

To test this possibility, the team planned to take images and inspect the same group in a year or two.

While it turned out that there was some connection between infection history and brain function, yet the reason remained a mystery. This study did not examine whether the subject had symptoms of loss of smell.

The researchers pointed out that infectious diseases such as the new corona might in the long run affect dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

              So, according to the researchers the brain's gray matter in the group with a history of infection is smaller and the degree of tissue change is bigger compared to the group with no infection. I am looking forward to knowing the results of this team’s planned project in taking images and inspecting the same group in a year or two.

