2022年3月29日 星期二

Pfizer CEO: 4th inoculation is "necessary" and to develop vaccine for all mutant strains

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

ファイザーCEO、4回目接種は「必要」 全変異株対応のワクチン開発も

2022.03.14 Mon posted at 15:55 JST

  (CNN) 米ファイザーのブーラ最高経営責任者(CEO)は新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、流行の再発を防ぐためには当面4回目の接種が必要との見方を示す一方、あらゆる変異株に対応するワクチンの開発も進めていると語った。







  (CNN) Pfizer CEO Bourla said that about the vaccine for the new coronavirus, it would require a fourth dose to prevent a recurrence of the epidemic. He said that he was also developing a vaccine for all mutant strains.

He said in a CBS TV show yesterday that many mutant strains could appear in the future, pointing out that the Omicron strain was the first example of a skillful evasion of the vaccine's effects. Regarding the effect of the current vaccine on the Omicron strain, he said that although hospitalization and death could be prevented considerably, infection prevention could not be expected much even after the third vaccination and prevention duration was not long, and he mentioned the need for the fourth vaccination.

In the United States, among those who were vaccinated with Pfizer or US Moderna vaccine three times, the fourth vaccination was currently permitted for immunocompromised patients. It was unclear whether the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) might approve a fourth dose to healthy teens and adults in the future.

Two doses were approved for children aged 5 to 11 years, but booster doses had not been approved. Pfizer was currently doing clinical trials.

Inoculation itself was not approved for children under 5 years of age. Initial data from Pfizer's two-dose clinical trials for children showed less than expected effects on children aged 2 to 5, so a three-dose study was currently underway. According to Bourla, results could be expected next month, and after getting the FDA's approval vaccination could start in May.

Pfizer and Moderna were currently developing a vaccine specifically for the Omicron strain, but Bula also stated that he would aim to develop a vaccine for all mutant strains. He said his goal was to create a vaccine that would last for at least one year.

              So, Pfizer is going to develop a vaccine for all Covid-19 mutant strains that can provide protection for one year. I am looking forward to that vaccine.

