2022年3月13日 星期日

烏克蘭的澤連斯基感謝馬斯克發送 Starlink 系統

Recently Yahoo News on line-reported the following:

Ukraine’s Zelensky thanks Elon Musk for sending Starlink systems

Independent - Zoe Tidman

Sun, March 6, 2022, 4:54 AM

The Ukrainian president has thanked Elon Musk for setting up the Starlink satellite internet service for “destroyed cities” during the Russian invasion.

Volodymyr Zelensky said he was “grateful” to the Tesla founder for supporting the country under siege with both “words and deeds”.

SpaceX’s Starlink satellites became active over Ukraine earlier this week, helping citizens and authorities to stay connected to the internet as Vladimir Putin’s forces continued to bomb cities across the country.

Several large cities were left without internet or phone connection after being shelled by Russian troops.

On Saturday, Mr Zelenskyy confirmed he had spoken to Mr Musk and confirmed even more satellites would be sent to Ukraine.

“I’m grateful to him for supporting Ukraine with words and deeds,” the president said. “Next week we will receive another batch of Starlink systems for destroyed cities.”

He said they also discussed possible space projects. “But I’ll talk about this after the war,” he added.

Vitali Klitschko, the mayor of Kyiv, showed off Starlink systems that had arrived on Saturday, saying they would help support critical infrastructure in the capital city, as well as the defence against Russian troops.

Starlink internet does not use an extensive fibre-optic cable system but instead satellites in low-orbit in space. People use a kit from SpaceX to access the signals beamed back to earth.

Mr Musk said he would activate satellites over Ukraine and send terminals after the vice prime minister appealed to the tech billionaire to help to keep the internet going during the attack from Russia.

He also warned Ukraine these systems could become an easy target for opposition forces since deploying them to the country.

Russia has bombarded the cities with missiles and engaged in heavy fighting across Ukraine since it launched its all-out invasion of the neighbouring country 11 days ago. Hundreds of civilians are believed to have been killed, while more than 1.5 million are estimated to have fled.


烏克蘭總統感謝馬斯克(Elon Musk)在俄羅斯入侵期間為被摧毀的城市建立 Starlink 衛星互聯網服務。

澤連斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)表示,他感謝這位特斯拉(Tesla)創始人以言行支持被圍困的國家。

本週早些時候,SpaceX 的星鏈 (Starlink) 衛星在烏克蘭上空開始運作,當普京(Vladimir Putin)的部隊繼續轟炸烏克蘭各地的城市之際, 幫助公民和當局保持與互聯網的聯繫。



總統: 我感謝他用言行支持烏克蘭;下週我們將收到另一批用於被毀城市的星鏈系統


基輔市長 Vitali Klitschko 展示了周六抵達的 Starlink 系統,稱它們將有助於支持首都的關鍵基礎設施,以及防禦俄羅斯軍隊。

星鏈互聯網不使用廣泛的光纖電纜系統,而是使用太空低軌道衛星。人們使用 SpaceX 的套件來接入傳回地球的信號。

馬斯克表示,在他的副總理呼籲後, 這位科技億萬富翁幫助他, 動烏克蘭上空的衛星並送出終端機,以保持互聯網在俄羅斯襲擊期間正常運行


俄羅斯自11天前全面入侵烏克蘭以來,一直在用導彈轟炸烏克蘭城市並在各地進行激烈戰鬥。相信有數百名平民被殺,估計有超過 150 萬人逃離。

      So, SpaceX’s Starlink satellites become active over Ukraine now, helping citizens and authorities to stay connected to the internet as Putin’s forces continues to bomb cities across the country. Elon Musk does the right thing by standing against the Russian aggression.

