2022年3月3日 星期四


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Americans, Canadians answer Ukraine call for foreign fighters

Mon, February 28, 2022, 4:22 PM

By Andrew Hay and Rod Nickel

(Reuters) - A Texas software developer and a cook in British Columbia are among dozens of Americans and Canadians answering Ukraine's call for foreign volunteers to fight Russia's invasion.

With their governments refusing to send troops to Ukraine out of fear of sparking a world war, Americans and Canadians told Reuters they were inspired by Ukrainians' fierce resistance. Many believe their democratic rights at home may ultimately be jeopardized if they do nothing to defend Europe.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy called on Sunday for the formation of an "international legion." Some young volunteers traveled straight to Ukraine to enlist.

Others were applying at Ukrainian embassies and consulates before quitting jobs or dropping out of university.

The mobilization was taking place as Russian artillery bombarded Ukraine's second-largest city, Kharkiv, on Monday, the fifth day of conflict.

"I feel guilty to not go," said Dax, 26, a veteran of the elite U.S. Army 82nd Airborne infantry division, who planned to deploy with other former U.S. military personnel. Like many volunteers, the Alabama native declined to give his full name amid discussion on social media of the need to keep their identities and movements secret for security reasons.

Canadian Bryson Woolsey quit his job as a cook on Sunday after seeing Zelensky's appeal. He has no military training and plans to buy a plane ticket to Poland, cross into Ukraine and volunteer for combat.

"I felt like I had to do something," said Woolsey, 33, of Powell River, British Columbia, who became restless as he watched images of wounded women and children in Ukraine.

Canada's Foreign Minister Melanie Joly on Sunday told reporters it was up to individual Canadians to decide whether they wanted to join Ukraine's international brigade. A U.S. State Department spokesperson, in an email to Reuters, said U.S. citizens are urged not to travel to Ukraine.

Not all volunteers want to fight.

In Quebec, 35-year-old physician Julien Auger was preparing to leave his young family to become a medic with Ukraine's health ministry and provide "neutral" humanitarian aid.

"Global opinion and support is the key right now to solving the conflict," said Auger, a father of two who provides palliative care at a hospital in Saint-Jérôme.

In online groups, military veterans warned volunteers who lacked combat training they were heading into a conflict where inexperience could be a liability for themselves and others.

That did not stop those like Tai B., 23, who studied journalism in New York.

"I'm not looking to be a hero, or a martyr, I just want to finally do something right," said Tai, who can cook, do basic mechanics and knows how to handle a firearm. He said he has contacted Ukraine's U.S. Embassy staff about enlisting in Zelenskiy's "international legion."

Hyde, a 28-year-old from the U.S. Midwest, said he was already in Kyiv and expected to start military training on Tuesday.

"I cannot bear the thought of Europe once again being plunged into warfare," said Hyde, who described himself as a gun enthusiast and avid survivalist with no combat experience. He expects to be given a helmet, body armor, knee pads and eventually a rifle.

In Austin, Texas, a software developer said he would draw on his experience as a U.S. Army cadet to fight for Ukraine.

"If they're willing to defend democracy then I think those that benefit from a democratic society are duty-bound to support them," said the 25-year-old, who asked that his name not be used. "I'm not telling my parents until I head to the airport."

(Reporting by Andrew Hay in New Mexico and Rod Nickel in Winnipeg; Additional reporting by Barbara Goldberg in New York; Editing by Sandra Maler and Stephen Coates)


(路透社)- 德克薩斯州的一名軟件開發人員和不列顛哥倫比亞省的一名廚師,是響應烏克蘭呼籲外國志願者對抗俄羅斯入侵的數十名美國人和加拿大人之一。





26 Dax: 我對不去感到內疚,他是美國陸軍第 82 空降步兵師精部隊的退役軍人,他計劃與其他前美國軍事人員一起部署。像許多志願者一樣,出於安全原因需要, 這位阿拉巴馬州本地人在社交媒體上討論中拒透露全名,對他們的身份和行動保密

加拿大人Bryson Woolsey 在看到澤連斯基的呼籲後,於週日辭去了廚師的工作。他沒有接受過軍事訓練,併計劃購買飛往波蘭的機票,穿越烏克蘭並自願參加戰鬥

在不列顛哥倫比亞省Powell River 33 Woolsey: 我覺得我必須做一點事,當他看到烏克蘭受傷婦女和兒童的照片時,他變得焦躁不安。

加拿大外交部長 Melanie Joly週日告訴記者,是否想加入烏克蘭的國際軍團由加拿大個人決定。美國國務院發言人在給路透社的一封電子郵件中說,美國敦促其公民不要前往烏克蘭。


在魁北克,35 歲的醫生Julien Auger 正準備離開他年輕的家庭,成為烏克蘭衛生部的一名醫生,並提供中立的人道主義援助。

Auger: 全球輿論和支持是目前解決衝突的關鍵他是兩個孩子父親,在Saint-Jérôme的一家醫院向末期病人提供治療。


這並沒有阻止像 23 歲的 Tai B.; 他在紐約讀新聞學。

Tai B. : “我不想成為英雄或烈士,我只想最終做正確的事情,他會做飯,做基本的機械工作,又知道如何應用槍支。他說,他已經聯繫了烏克蘭的美國大使館工作人員,討論加入澤連斯基的國際軍團

來自美國中西部的 28 Hyde說,他已經在基輔,預計將於週二開始軍事訓練。

Hyde: 我無法忍受歐洲再次陷入戰爭的想法,他將自己描述為一個沒有戰鬥經驗的槍支愛好者和狂熱的生存主義者。他希望得到頭盔、防彈衣、護膝,最終還會得到一支步槍。


一位要求不要使用他名字的25 歲年輕人說: 如果他們願意捍衛民主,那麼我認為那些從民主社會中受益的人是有義務支持他們;在我去機場之前,我不會告訴我的父母

       So, when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy called on Sunday for the formation of an "International Legion" ,in North America some young volunteers are answering to the call.

