2022年3月11日 星期五

A 8,500 years old building was discovered, the oldest Neolithic settlement in the UAE

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

8500年前の建造物発見、UAEで最古 新石器時代の集落か

2022.02.18 Fri posted at 20:50 JST

  (CNN) アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)の考古学者らが、これまで知られている中では同国史上最古となる、少なくとも8500年前にさかのぼる建造物を発掘した。アブダビ文化観光局の報道発表によれば、同国における最も古い建造物の記録を500年あまり上回るという。









  (CNN) Archaeologists in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had unearthed the oldest known building in the country's history, dating back at least 8,500 years. According to a press release from the Abu Dhabi Bureau of Culture and Tourism, it surpassed the record of the country's oldest building for more than 500 years.

A building consisted of a "simple circular room" with stone walls that maintained a height of up to nearly a meter was discovered on an island at the open sea west of the capital Abu Dhabi.

The excavation team said in a statement that the structure was "probably a small group dwelling. The group may have lived on the island all year long."

This finding also indicated that there were settlements in the Neolithic period before the development of long-distance maritime trade routes, and unlike archaeologists' traditional beliefs, this suggested that the  maritime trade route was not a factor that induced migration to the region.

Hundreds of man-made objects had also been excavated, including a finely crafted stone arrowhead that was believed to have been used for hunting. The team said "It's likely that this group was using the abundant resources of the ocean".

How long this settlement lasted was not known, but the remains buried 5,000 years ago were found under the structure. Burials of this era were rarely found on the islands of Abu Dhabi.

The country's oldest building to date was also located on another island off the coast of Abu Dhabi. The world’s oldest pearl was found there in 2017.

The excavation team said the findings suggested that the islands of Abu Dhabi were more like "fertile coasts" than "dry and hard-to-live" places. They said the immigrants were attracted to there for "local economic and environmental conditions."

So, archaeologists in the United Arab Emirates have unearthed the oldest known building in the country's history, dating back at least 8,500 years. This place could be one of the regions for early human to change from hunter-and-gatherer mode of survival into group settlements.

