2022年3月2日 星期三

Omicron "BA.2" derivative strain: hospitalization risk is almost the same as the original strain - new research

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

オミクロン「BA.2」派生株、入院リスクは従来株とほぼ変わらず 新研究

2022.02.24 Thu posted at 21:00 JST

 (CNN) 新型コロナウイルスの変異株オミクロンの一種で「BA.2」と呼ばれる新たな派生株について、現実世界での入院リスクは従来株の「BA.1」とほぼ変わらないとする新たな研究が発表された。これより前には、研究室内や動物を用いた実験からBA.2がBA.1より重い症状を引き起こす可能性があるとの研究結果が示されていた。

















(CNN) A new study showed that for the new derivative strain called "BA.2", which was a variant strain of the new coronavirus Omicron, the risk of hospitalization in the real world was almost the same as that of the original "BA.1". Prior to this, from experiments using laboratories and animals, a study had shown that BA. 2 could cause more severe symptoms than BA.  1.

According to previous studies in the United Kingdom and Denmark, the infectivity of BA.2 was about 30% stronger than BA.1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about one-fifth of the new corona infections currently detected in the world were said to be BA.  2.

While the number of infections was declining worldwide, the ratio of but BA. 2 to the whole was relatively increasing.  BA.2 more than BA.1 was spreading in at least 43 countries, raising concerns about a new wave of infestation.

However, from the newly published research, it became clear that it was unlikely the number of inpatients and deaths could increase significantly due to BA. 2.

The first of the new studies was in South Africa. In this country, in one week in this month, the proportion of BA.2 new infections surged from 27% to 86%. However, when the researchers examined more than 95,000 positive cases, the hospitalization rate of those who were thought to be infected with BA.2 was about 3.6%, the hospitalization rate for those who showed signs of BA. 1 infection was about the same at 3.4%.

Considering factors that could affect the risk of aggravation, such as old age, the researchers found that between BA. 1 and BA.2 infected persons, there was no difference in hospitalization risk in these two. Regardless of which one was infected, about 1 in 4 people hospitalized were vaccinated.

According to the lead researcher, with the appearance of BA. 2 after the fourth wave, it was said that no new peak had occurred, just had a prolonged tail. Although the fourth wave had been prolonged at "a higher level than the in-between period with the previous waves", "it may be affected by the resumption of school after the holiday period at the end of the year and the relaxation of restrictions."

The number of infected people in South Africa remained high, but most of them were BA.2 infections, and the number of hospitalized patients continued to decrease.

The second study was published by the Danish National Institute of Serum. According to it, even those who had recovered from infection with BA. 1 or Delta strains, it was possible to be re-infected by BA.2, yet such cases were apparently rare and mostly occurred among unvaccinated individuals. Most of the symptoms were mild.

Currently the most prevalent in Denmark was BA.2. In the second week of last month. The number of infections exceeded BA. 1.

To investigate the risk of reinfection, researchers analyzed the viral genome from late November last year to mid-February this year when the Omicron strain became mainstream. Of the 263 people who experienced two infections within a period of 20-60 days, it was confirmed that 190 had BA. 2. It was found out that of these, 140 were the second time BA. 2 infections, while 47 people first had  BA.1 then BA.2 infections.

A more detailed analysis of the latter revealed that 30 out of 47 were young people under the age of 20. No one was over 40 years old, and 42 out of the 47 were unvaccinated.

At the time of reinfection, in 28 patients they were asymptomatic or with mild symptoms. Five experienced symptoms classified as moderate, similar to influenza. There were no reports of hospitalization or deaths.

Angela Rasmussen, a scholar affiliated with the Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Organization at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada said "Reinfection can occur among people who have recently recovered from BA. 1, but it is quite rare. In all cases, there was no serious illness. " She validated the study, but she was not involved in the study herself.

According to Rasmussen, although there was a risk in reinfection with BA. 2, it was in small scale for the entire population, and booster (additional) vaccination together with recent protection measures against infection with Omicron strains were said to be effective in many cases.

These two studies were posted on the Internet in a "preprint" state, which meant they had not been published in a medical journal, and had not yet been peer-reviewed by outside experts.

              So, according to two recent unpublished studies, it is showed that for the so called "BA.2"derivative strain, which is a variant strain of coronavirus Omicron, its risk of hospitalization could be almost the same as that of the original strain the "BA.1".

