2022年3月25日 星期五

EU plans zero dependence on Russian energy by 2027

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

EU、ロシア産エネルギーへの依存ゼロを計画 27年までに

2022.03.13 Sun posted at 15:24 JST

  (CNN) 欧州連合(EU)の行政執行機関、欧州委員会のフォンデアライエン委員長は13日までに、ロシア産のエネルギー源への加盟国の依存度を2027年までにゼロにする対策を今年5月半ばまでに示す方針を明らかにした。







2022.03.13 Sun posted at 15:24 JST

  (CNN) The executive body European Union (EU), President of the European Commission (EC), Von der Leyen, made known on the 13th that steps would be taken to reduce member states' dependence on Russian energy source to zero by 2027, and announced that this policy would be disclosed by the mid- May this year.

Up to 2027, it would gradually reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas, oil and coal, and this might become an appeal on the utilization of resources owned by member countries and Europe as a whole.

French President Macron together with President of the European Council Michel said that at a press conference after the EU summit at the Palace of Versailles on the outskirts of Paris.

The president Of EC also said she would offer options to limit the effects of rising natural gas prices on electricity prices up to end of March. She said she would set up a working group to develop a replenishment plan for the next winter.

The EU also needed to put together a long-term natural gas stockpiling policy and might propose to store up at least 90% in underground facilities by early October each year. It was also a policy to prepare for the occurrence of supply problems.

Following Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, the EU first reduced Russia's natural gas imports by about two-thirds this year, it also announced a policy to eliminate the overall demand for domestically produced natural gas and oil well before 2030.

              So, EU will take steps to reduce its dependence on Russian energy sources to zero by 2027. This is a fundamental shift in EU’s energy policy and may impact the energy market globally.

