2020年6月6日 星期六

US-China: vaccine development offensive and defense, concern over mass production issue, scramble for it

Recently the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Electronic Edition reported the following:

ワクチン開発で米中攻防 量産課題、奪い合い懸念

新型コロナ ヘルスケア 国際

2020/5/19 23:00 (2020/5/20 5:07更新) 日本経済新聞 電子版








 欧州連合(EU)も巻き返しに出始めた。欧州委員会は有事に備えて用意している約24億ユーロ(2820億円)の緊急基金をワクチン確保に使うもようだ。域内での生産支援も検討している。(先端医療エディター 高田倫志)


Attacks and defenses between the United States and China with the aim of commercializing a new type coronavirus preventive vaccine had become fierce. Moderna, a US biotechnology company, would start a large-scale clinical trial in July, assuming that the antibody could be confirmed in an early clinical trial. For China, several companies were rushing to conduct clinical trials aiming for commercialization this fall. As development progresses, a further focus was on establishing a mass production system. There was a concern that a government-led competition might occur, for example, as the US moved to incorporate French companies that had mass production facilities.

 On the 18th, Moderna published initial data from the first phase of the clinical trial that started in March. The first eight people who received the vaccine were able to confirm the same level of antibodies as those who recovered from corona infection. The company would skip the second stage clinical trials that investigate the efficacy, and start the final clinical trial in July before commercialization. Significantly it shortened the procedure that would normally take 1-2 years.

 In the US, which ha1.5 million people infected, the nation had taken the lead in rushing vaccine development. In April, the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA) decided to support Moderna with $ 438 million (about 51.9 billion yen).

 Still, China was ahead. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of May 15, corona vaccine development had progressed in 8 clinical trials in the world, of which 4 were in China. China's biotech company, Kaoxing Biotech, planned to finish the second phase clinical trial in July which was started in April.

However, not all companies could manufacture vaccines that need new technology. The vaccine being developed by Moderna required know-how such as chemically synthesizing nucleic acid and refining it into a vaccine. There were also shortages of production facilities. In order to produce a large amount of new vaccine, complicated equipment such as virus culture equipment and air conditioning were indispensable. Such facilities were available only in the world's largest pharmaceutical companies such as AstraZeneca in the UK and Johnson & Johnson (J & J) in the US.

 The offensive and defense war over "mass production" had begun.

"The United States has the most right to pre-order our vaccines." French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi's CEO Paul Hudson told US media on the 13th. US BARDA had funded a company that could mass-produce vaccines regardless of nationality, and Sanofi was one of the supported recipients. People related to the industry believed that it was an alert on the European vaccine policy, which tended to neglect the production sector compared to intellectual property.

The European Union (EU) had begun to rollback. It seemed that the European Commission would, in order to prepare of an emergency, use about 2.4 billion euros (282.0 billion yen) of its emergency fund to secure vaccine. They were also considering supporting local production within their region.


              In this world, there are rich and poor countries. Sometimes it is due to its good or bad geographical location, and sometimes it is due to the wisdom of their political leaders in setting up good political and social system. Some countries have good way to attract foreign investment (and therefore making money). All countries have to decide their own budget in how to make money and how to spend money. Whether it will spend more for education, military and defense, medical facilities, and infra-structure building etc. depends on the judgement and foresight of political leaders. It is an art in ruling a country. In this way, policy decision will impact the development of a country: whether it could become richer or weaker. In history, globally strong countries come and go in, from the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago to the present-day USA. So, competition among the counties for influence and leadership is a normal phenomenon. I think for a country, the ability to secure vaccines to protect its citizens during an emergency is a sign of a good government.

