2020年6月15日 星期一

AstraZeneca in the UK doubles vaccine production capacity to 2 billion doses

Recently Nihon Keizai Shimbun Electronic Edition reported the following:

英アストラゼネカ、ワクチン生産能力倍増 20億回分に

新型コロナ ヨーロッパ

2020/6/5 5:07






[London = Minoru Satake] On April 4, AstraZeneca, a major British pharmaceutical company, announced that it might be able to produce 2 billion doses of new coronavirus vaccine to be developed with the Oxford University in the UK from this year to next year. A new license agreement would be signed with a major vaccine manufacturer in India to double the existing production plan.

 AstraZeneca had announced in May that it could prepare a production system for 1 billion doses and could start supplying in September. Of these doses, the United States  could secure 300 million and the United Kingdom 100 million.

By signing a license agreement with Serum Institute of India, a major vaccine company in India, it was now possible to produce 1 billion new doses for emerging countries. Of this, the aim was that 400 million would be supplied within this year.

The new corona was spreading in Latin America and other countries, and the death toll in the world continued to increase. AstraZeneca would work with international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) to establish a system to deliver vaccines to emerging countries. Vaccines were expected to serve as a measure against the new corona, but there was concern that their supplies might be biased towards the developed countries that had the financial resources.

              So, vaccine will be ready before the end of this year. I like to hear that.

