A few weeks ago
the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
2014年11月02日 19時02分

On the 2nd (November) the Union News
reported that according the talking within the Korean government sources, North
Korea had built a new-style submarine that could load submarine-launched
ballistic missile (SLBM).
It was said that a
submarine built by the Soviet Union in 1958 used
until 1990s was imported; its dismantling and redesigning had been completed.
According to a report, the submarine was 6.6
meters in width and about 67 meters in full length. It could be seen that several
dozen times of launching pad experiment had been made on land and at sea in a shipyard
site in South Hamgyong Province at North Korea’s northeast; and it was assumed
that there was a high possibility that all experiments would be completed
within one to two years.
the 2nd the people related to the Korean government in response to
of this newspaper coverage, based on the fact that North
Korea had imported from Russia a submarine and launched it
into the water, said that "While we can see launching pad related experiments
have been performed, the technological standard cannot be inspected. The miniature
of the warhead is also necessary".
It is an interesting development in the Korean Peninsula .
I am wondering whether this submariner would cause alarm in China and the US.