2015年1月27日 星期二


A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20141124 1920

 From last year to this year (2014) the number of students, according to the area from abroad to study in American universities and graduate schools, was 274,439 people from China; compared with last year it increased by over 16. 5 % and maintained its top ranking by country.
   In the USA there was a double-digit growth for seven consecutive years, the total number of students studying from abroad reached 31%. China was followed by India (102,673 people) in the second place, then by Korea, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Taiwan, and Japan (19,334 people) which was at the 7th place same as last year.

   It was the International Educational Research Institute, an American NPO Corporation that did the investigation. According to countries or regions, Japan was at top-level from 1994-95 to 97-98, but from the peak of 47,073 people in 97-98, it changed into a downward trend due to a decline in the number of births, deterioration in Japanese business conditions, and worries over the influence on job hunting after returning home.

   The number of Chinese students studying abroad was nearly 6 times more than the peak of the Japanese, two times more than India. The shape of economic growth of the 1st and 2nd place large population countries in the world was reflected by the number of students studying abroad.

I am interested to know whether students from China would spread the thinking of capitalistic life style etc. when they return to China after graduation.

