2015年1月19日 星期一

三重・伊賀市黒党祭: 黒衣忍者表演武藝奉獻

A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
黒党祭:忍者が黒装束で演武奉納 三重・伊賀
毎日新聞 20141124日 1000分(最終更新 1124日 1011分)
On the 23rd (November) at ninja's Aekuni shrine in Kori of Iga city, Mie Prefecture, there was a "Black Party Festival (Kurondo festival)". Ninja in black costumes, as the etymology of the Black Party, would make an offering by performing ninjutsu and bath in the clapping of the audience.

 This festival, originated from a private festival of the Iga Hattori clan during the Heian Period, was stopped in the Warring-States era but restored in 1995. On this day members of the performing group: the "Iga Way Ninja Group Black Party" would show how to fight with large pruning scissors, and also their unique arts in capturing.

 “Due to a fall in the yen, foreigner-related working-event is increasing" said Kuroi Hiromitsu a representative of the Black Party, and that he would like to put this festival on sale as one of the ‘cool Japan’ too.

Probably this performance in Mie Prefecture is one of the tourist attractions in Kori of the Iga city.

