2015年1月29日 星期四


A last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20141206 0836
 【ソウル=吉田敏行】スウェーデン家具大手イケアの韓国法人は5日、日本海を「SEA OF JAPAN」と表記したインテリア用の世界地図の販売を、来年から全世界で中止することを明らかにした。

  On the 5th (December) it was made clear that starting from next year (2015) the Korean corporation of IKEA, a major Sweden furniture company, would stop selling world-wide a home-use world map that the Sea of Japan was transcribed with "SEA OF JAPAN".
The Korean government was taking exception to name it as the Sea of Japan only. IKEA’s number one store which was opened on the 18th this month at the suburb of Seoul that sold this map had caused wide-spread objection in Korea.

  IKEA explained that "each year part of our goods, about 20 % would be replaced". It stressed that "this product is not developed as a material for education, but for interior decoration".

To me, Sea of Japan is merely a geographic name that has been used for a very long time. The incident, among other things, shows that nationalism in Korea is strong. 

2015年1月27日 星期二


A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20141124 1920

 From last year to this year (2014) the number of students, according to the area from abroad to study in American universities and graduate schools, was 274,439 people from China; compared with last year it increased by over 16. 5 % and maintained its top ranking by country.
   In the USA there was a double-digit growth for seven consecutive years, the total number of students studying from abroad reached 31%. China was followed by India (102,673 people) in the second place, then by Korea, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Taiwan, and Japan (19,334 people) which was at the 7th place same as last year.

   It was the International Educational Research Institute, an American NPO Corporation that did the investigation. According to countries or regions, Japan was at top-level from 1994-95 to 97-98, but from the peak of 47,073 people in 97-98, it changed into a downward trend due to a decline in the number of births, deterioration in Japanese business conditions, and worries over the influence on job hunting after returning home.

   The number of Chinese students studying abroad was nearly 6 times more than the peak of the Japanese, two times more than India. The shape of economic growth of the 1st and 2nd place large population countries in the world was reflected by the number of students studying abroad.

I am interested to know whether students from China would spread the thinking of capitalistic life style etc. when they return to China after graduation.

2015年1月24日 星期六

以色列交易會: 展出實戰無人機

A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:

実戦投入の無人機などの見本市 イスラエル

1127 834


A trade fair of drones was opened in Israel in the Middle East that displayed the most advanced military technology; the numerous technologies that Israel troops had already put in actual fightings attracted much attention.

Centering on Israel, approximately 60 military related enterprises participated in a trade fair of the drones opened on the 26th (November) at Israeli’s Tel-Aviv-Yafo suburb.

In this trade fair, products equipped with the most advanced technology were exhibited: for example a small drone that could fly for 20 hours with one single fuel filling, a helicopter type drone for reconnaissance that could assume a battle role inside a city because it was able take off and land within a small space.

Among the products, some items had been put into actual fighting by the Israel troops during the military combat in Gaza Strip of the Palestine temporary autonomous region in summer this year (2014). For Israel, the appeal was that actual results could be seen; it was thought that the aim of their plan was overseas sales.

A spokesperson for this trade fair was saying that "in some technologies, Israel is ahead of the United States, and the drone industry makes huge profit for Israel. From now on the practical use of a drone could also be expanded into the non-military section of the police force and the coast guard etc."

   I think because the usage of a drone is so wide, the drone industry has much potential in further development.

2015年1月21日 星期三


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:

IEA 来年の石油需要の見通し下方修正

1212 2338

On the 12th (December) the IEA: the International Energy Agency, against the background of a quick fall in oil price and that Russia together with other petroleum-producing nations would slowdown their business, revised downward the outlook for growth in oil demand, and expected a further slump of oil price.

IEA in the report released on the 12th about the petroleum market, regarding the growth rate for petroleum demand next year, showed the perspective that their former prediction of more than 230,000 barrels a day would stay at 900,000 barrels.

About the reason for the downward revision, IEA assumed that due to a slump in oil price, Russia etc. petroleum-producing nations would slow down their business, and expected a fall in demand.

Concerning petroleum demand for next year, the OPEC= Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries on the 10th revised downward the perspective on demand for the petroleum produced by the signatory countries, and highlighted that the decrease in world demand was more than expected.

In the report IEA pointed out that "it takes time for sale and supply to respond to the present fall in oil price" and showed an understanding that the situation of excessive supply would continue for the time being.

In the past half year oil price had fallen more than 40 %, once more indicating a slow down in demand; due to the worry over excessive supply, oil price was likely to fall further.

I am interested in knowing the reasons for this sudden decrease in the demand for oil world-wide.

2015年1月20日 星期二


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20141208 1154

On the 8th (December), the Cabinet Office announced the revised value of the gross domestic product (GDP) covering July to September.

   For the real GDP that excluded the influence of prices fluctuation (the seasonally adjusted value), when compared with the previous quarter it was a decrease of 0.5 %; and when assuming this pace would continue, the annual rates in one year would be a 1.9 % decrease. It was a 0.3 point downward revision from the quick estimate value released in November (a 1.6 % decrease in annual rate). It was a result unexpected by most of the private investigating institutions which expected an upward revision; it became clear once more that there was an economic slump after the consumption tax increase.

  There was no change in the fact that there was a negative growth for two consecutive quarters. Those investments that had an expanded scope in minus were in plants and equipment, it was a big downward revision in the quick estimate value of from 0.2 % to 0.4 %. Investment in land property and electric construction had also decreased.

According to the corporation statistics announced on the 1st covering July to September, except for the banking business and insurance industries, capital investment in all industries was a 5.5% increase on a year-on-year comparison. While some view points had come out that GDP might also turn into a plus, for the calculation of the GDP, those small scale enterprises that were not included in the corporation statistics were also covered. As a result, the overall investment in plants and equipment became a minus.

The points of comparison were different, not only compared with the GDP a year ago, but also with the previous term (April-June).

It is clear that an increase in consumption tax could negatively affect Japan’s economy.

2015年1月19日 星期一

三重・伊賀市黒党祭: 黒衣忍者表演武藝奉獻

A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
黒党祭:忍者が黒装束で演武奉納 三重・伊賀
毎日新聞 20141124日 1000分(最終更新 1124日 1011分)
On the 23rd (November) at ninja's Aekuni shrine in Kori of Iga city, Mie Prefecture, there was a "Black Party Festival (Kurondo festival)". Ninja in black costumes, as the etymology of the Black Party, would make an offering by performing ninjutsu and bath in the clapping of the audience.

 This festival, originated from a private festival of the Iga Hattori clan during the Heian Period, was stopped in the Warring-States era but restored in 1995. On this day members of the performing group: the "Iga Way Ninja Group Black Party" would show how to fight with large pruning scissors, and also their unique arts in capturing.

 “Due to a fall in the yen, foreigner-related working-event is increasing" said Kuroi Hiromitsu a representative of the Black Party, and that he would like to put this festival on sale as one of the ‘cool Japan’ too.

Probably this performance in Mie Prefecture is one of the tourist attractions in Kori of the Iga city.

2015年1月18日 星期日


A few weeks ago the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
東芝、1千億円の賠償請求 韓国企業へのデータ流出事件
On the 12th (November), regarding storage media research data owned by "Toshiba" being out-flowed to a Korean manufacturer, Toshiba, a major general electrical machinery company asked for damages compensation of about 109,000 million yen from its former engineer who had caused the outflow, and from the destination where the data had flowed to. The suit’s first round oral argument was held in the Tokyo District Court. Toshiba also asked for prohibition on the sales of products that were developed and manufactured using the flowed out data.

  The parties being complained about was "SK Hynix", a major Korean semiconductor company, together with Sugita Yoshitaka (53) a former engineer of "SanDisk" which was a major semiconductor company in the US that had business co-operation with Toshiba. The crime was violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Law (Trade Secret Disclosure).

  On this day in the argument the Toshiba side insisted that "while SK Company knew that their confidential information was acquired unjustly, used the data to produce and sold the products, causing a huge damage to Toshiba". From the defendant side Sugita and SK Company asked for acquittal of the charge.

In the petition, the Toshiba side complained that when Sugita retired from San company in 2008, he took away research data from a factory of Toshiba where he was sent, and used the data for development after getting a job in SK company.

An agent of SK Company made a comment that "through this trial, they will insist on the thinking of their company".

I think it would be an interesting company law case in Japan.

2015年1月17日 星期六


A few weeks ago the NHK New on-line reported the following:
アルツハイマー病 血液で判定できる新技術
1111 411
A group formed by the National Institute for Longevity Science etc. had jointly developed a new technology which just by checking the blood could judge whether a substance that caused Alzheimer's disease was gathering in the brain and thus lead to an early detection of the sickness.

This technology was developed by the National Institute for Longevity Science in Obu city of Aichi, together with Mr. Koichi Tanaka of the Shimadzu Corporation who had won a Nobel Prize.

It was known that a patient with Alzheimer’s disease had a substance called Amyloid beta began to gather in the brain for over than 10 years before developing the disease. But to use the so called PET to check, a picture diagnostic system and a special reagent were necessary, and thus could not be done easily.

This time the study group extracted blood from senior citizens who had Amyloid beta gathering, and also from healthy senior citizens, totaling over 60 people. It was discovered that in the blood of people who had Amyloid beta gathering, the amount of the protein, the so called "APP669-711" had changed very little.

For this checking, it was said that only several drops of blood would be needed. When turned into practical use, it was said that a checking could be done in a blood test during a physical check-up.

Katsuhiko Yanagisawa, the center in-charge of the Dementia Advanced Medical Development Center of the National Institute for Longevity Science said "if it is easy to understand a patient before the sickness develops, a study to look for the remedy by making these patients the subject can also be developed. It should also be useful for developing some preventive medication for the Alzheimer's disease".

It is good news for the Alzheimer's disease patients.

2015年1月16日 星期五

IPCC報告書: 気温上昇低於2度国際目標、予測不樂觀…

A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20141102 2107

On the 2nd (November), the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (IPCC)” of the UN which predicted the future of global warming and estimated its influence had published the latest integrated report.

  Regarding to achieve the international target by suppressing the temperature rise to less than two degrees by the end of this century, the view that it was necessary to suppress the accumulated amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission of the whole world since the Industrial Revolution to about 3,000,000 million tons was incorporated. About 2,000,000 million tons had already been discharged, and if the discharging continued at the present pace, a severe perspective was indicated that it would exceed the limit in 30 years.

  An integration report was approved on the 1st (November) at the general meeting in Copenhagen, and published on the 2nd. It would be reported at the 20th round of the Conference of the Parties (COP20) of the UN Frameworks Convention on Climate Change opened in Peru from December 1. It had made a scientific basis for negotiating the reduction of greenhouse gas.

  Rajendra Pachauri the chairperson of IPCC in a press conference on the 2nd stated that "the scientific base for measures to deal with the global warming was shown, and I seriously hope the international societies will accept it".

It seems that the target to suppress global temperature rise to less than two degrees by the end of this century is too optimistic.

2015年1月15日 星期四

日本與台湾: 簽備忘錄強化促進観光等関係

A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:

日本と台湾 観光促進などで関係強化の覚書

1120 2357

Japan and Taiwan, accompanying the expansion of their exchanges, signed a memorandum that aimed at advancing relationship in the promotion of sightseeing, and the related management of people’s coming and going so that in case of an emergency the department-in-charge could contact each other directly.

The memorandum signed by Japan and Taiwan covered the fields of sightseeing, management of people’s arrival and departure, and also in the field of patent etc. four items. On the 20th (November) in Taipei, representatives from respective contacting institutions attended the signing ceremony.

Inside the memorandum, concerning sightseeing, Taiwan would cooperate with Japan in sharing information on the experience in tourism with the aim of further promoting sightseeing.

Also, about the management of people’s coming in and going out, respective bureau- in-charge could now contact with each other directly. In the prevention of traveler's landing with a counterfeiting passport etc. emergency, it became possible to make a quick response.

Between Japan and Taiwan, people's traffic was expanding, the number of travelers who visited Japan from Taiwan between January and last month (October) had reached 2,380,000 which was the highest so far. When it was combined with the number of people who visited Taiwan from Japan, it approached the 4,000,000-mark in a year.

Japan and Taiwan had entered into an agreement on fishing in April last year with the sea area around the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa prefecture as the subject; the present memorandum aimed at further reinforcing the relation of both sides.

It is nice to know that the co-operation between Japan and Taiwan is increasing.

2015年1月14日 星期三

中国化学産品 「需要徵反傾銷税」

Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:


1212 2338


According to the government, it was assumed that a chemical, the raw material for the seat cushion of a car imported unfairly cheap from China had caused huge damages to a Japanese company; an "anti-dumping taxation" of adding custom duties would be applied as early as from this month (December).

The chemical imported from China that would be subjected to the "Anti-dumping taxation" was "Toluene diisocyanate" which was a raw material for making car’s seat cushions.

The government, on the 12th in response to a report from the Council of Experts that a chemical imported unfairly cheap from China  had caused huge damages to a Japanese company, decided that custom duties of 69.4% would be added for 4 months as early as from this month.

This measure was activated temporarily on the bases of a rule of the WTO: World Trade Organization in order to stop damages to domestic trading to the minimum; and when there was no objection from the Chinese enterprise, a final application period for this measure would be decided.

The problem this time was a complaint in December last year (2013) from the "Mitsui Chemicals", a major chemical manufacturer, about chemical importations from China at an unfairly low price. Since then based on an investigation of the government, this product was thought to have been imported at a price of about 40 percent lower than those inside China.

   This is an interesting case on anti-dumping. I am interested in knowing whether the Chinese enterprise would appeal against the tax.