2013年9月20日 星期五


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:

新駐日大使 ケネディ氏が決意表明
919 2353




Ms. Caroline Kennedy, the eldest daughter of the deceased former president Kennedy, was nominated as the new American ambassador to Japan and she attended the public hearing of the parliamentary Senate on the 19th; she expressed her decision to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance etc. 

This was the first time that Ms. Kennedy spoke about Japanese policy publicly.

For Ms. Kennedy "Japan and the U.S. are deeply connected politically, economically, and that Japan-U.S. alliances are the foundation of stability and peace in the area". She expressed the decision to tackle the strengthening of the Japan-U.S. alliance and the promotion of TPP = Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement etc.

Ms. Kennedy was nominated as the ambassador to Japan in July this year and was expected to arrive in Japan next month for the new post, if recognition from the parliamentary Senate could be obtained.

If inaugurated as an ambassador, she would become the first United States woman ambassador in Japan.

I am interested in the history of the Kennedy family. The Kennedy family was an awesome political force in the US during the 1960s.

