2013年9月1日 星期日


Last month the FNN News on-line reported the following

スマートフォンの電池容量を最大に 信越化学工業が新材料


(08/01 14:46)


About the battery carried in the smart phone, Shin-Etsu Chemical, a major chemistry maker, had developed a new material which could increase the capacity of the battery up to a maximum of 10 times.

According to Shin-Etsu Chemical, the newly developed material was something in the shape of a sheet, it was needed in order to store electricity in the lithium ion battery used for the smart phone or the electric vehicle.
Although the material being used now was carbon type, it was said that that the capacity of the battery would increase 10 times at the maximum if it was replaced with the silicon system material developed this time. Regarding the smart phone which had been paying attention on in the storage time of the battery etc., it was expected that the hour of usage would be prolonged, or the miniaturization of the battery would progress further.

In Shin-Etsu Chemical, it was hoped that there would be a mass production within the limit of 3 - 4years from now.

The new invention should be good news for all smart phone users.

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