2020年6月2日 星期二

擔憂帶報復性的通貨膨脹將重臨在加劇中 (下)


Yahoo Finance on 4 May 2020 reported the following:

Fears Mount About Inflation Returning With a Vengeance

What we are doing is creating a policy framework that has an inflation bias in it, which is the first time we’ve had that in generations,” said Dario Perkins, chief European economist at TS Lombard in London and a former U.K. Treasury official. “The policy response is a war-time policy response.”

 That conflict theme is one that Goodhart finds apt. In a March 27 article with Manoj Pradhan, founder of Talking Heads Macroeconomics, he wrote that commodity costs will rebound with an economic recovery after lockdowns are lifted and stimulus takes effect. Inflation could exceed 5% in 2021, and perhaps even reach 10% -- outcomes resembling the aftermaths of World Wars I and II.

 The monetary and fiscal expansion is aimed at, and will succeed at, putting money in the hands of people,” Goodhart, a BOE rate setter from 1997 until 2000, said in an interview. “There will be some degree of pent-up demand.”

 Goods disruptions caused by the virus -- for example with Brazilian farmers unable to harvest coffee beans -- might also linger. Colin Harte, a multi-asset portfolio manager at BNP Paribas Asset Management, warns that the supply side “could be more damaged than we realized.”

 The further consequences of a potential unwinding of globalization, and a renewed focus on local production, builds on that narrative.

 In the latter stages of the recovery, amid continued de-globalization in goods trade and less elastic global supply, fiscal policies may begin to stoke inflation,” Berenberg Senior Economist Kallum Pickering said.

 Some economic data might already point to price pressures. U.S. money supply is surging, and Tim Congdon, a longtime watcher of such data, anticipates it will see its largest increase in peacetime this year -- followed by an “inflationary boom.”

 For some analysts however, the prospect of inflation is seriously remote in a world where unemployment is going through the roof.

 It is naïve to think everyone is going to get their jobs back when this pandemic virus goes away,” said Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at MUFG Union Bank NA. “Massive job losses mean price declines for many goods are on the way.”

 For Goodhart’s thesis of “double-digit” inflation to unfold, Perkins reckons authorities would need to succeed relatively quickly in limiting deaths and shoring up growth, which isn’t a given. He isn’t worried.

 Blanchard, in an April 24 article for the Peterson Institute for International Economics, also sees a far greater probability of low inflation. But a combination of swelling public debt, a jump in real interest rates, and deliberately loose monetary policy to aid government financing, could produce a different outcome.

 It would be a dream scenario for politicians that at some point inflation goes up,” Praet said. “It’s not impossible. But I think the structural consequences of this shock go well beyond the simple narrative of a normalization, once we have a vaccine.”


倫敦TS Lombard首席歐洲經濟學家,前英國財政部官員達里奧·帕金斯(Dario Perkins)表示:“我們正在做的是建立一個有通貨膨脹偏向的政策框架,世代以來這是我們第一次這樣做”;  這政策回應是一種戰時政策回應。”

 古德哈特感到那以衝突作主調恰當。他在327日與Talking Heads Macroeconomics創始人Manoj Pradhan一起寫的的文章中寫道,在解除封鎖及刺激措施生效之後,大宗商品成本將隨著經濟復甦而反彈。 2021年的通貨膨脹率可能超過5%,甚至可能達到10%,其結果類似於第一次世界大戰和第二次世界大戰的戦後發展。

 英國央行利率從1997年至2000年的制定者古德哈特(Goodhart)表示:“貨幣和財政擴張旨在, 並且將成功地將金錢交到人民手中。” “但需求會在一定程度上被壓制下來。”

 由病毒引起的商品中斷(例如巴西農民無法收割咖啡豆)也可能會持續存在。法國巴黎銀行資管理公司(BNP Paribas Asset Management)的多類別資投資組合經理科林·哈特(Colin Harte)警告,供應方面的損害“可能比我們意識到的還要嚴重。”

在這種敘述的基礎上, 可以会重新關注全球化的潛在解散的延續後果, 以及對本地生的重新關注。

 貝倫貝格高級經濟學家卡倫·皮克林(Kallum Pickering)表示:“在復甦的後期,由於商品貿易的持續去全球化和全球供應的彈性減弱,財政政策可能開始引發通貨膨脹。”

一些經濟數據可能已經指向價格壓力。美國貨幣供應量激增,長期關注此類數據的蒂姆·康登(Tim Congdon)預計,今年將出現在和平時期的最大增長 - 隨後是“通貨膨脹熱潮”。


 MUFG Union Bank NA的首席財務經濟學家Chris Rupkey: “認為每個人在這種大流行性病毒消失後都會找回工作是天真的。”大量的工作損失意味著許多商品的價格正等待著下降。”


 布蘭德(Blanchard)在424日給彼得森國際經濟研究所(Peterson Institute for International Economics)的一篇文章中也認為,低通脹的可能性要大得多。但是,公共債務膨脹,實際利率上升以及故意放寬貨幣政策以幫助政府融資的綜合考慮,可能會生一個不同的結果。


               My understanding is that inflation would occur if total money supply is greater than the total goods and service available. In theory, as more and more money are pumped into the financial markets, there should be inflation. But now we have a situation that unemployment has occurred in many places due to the new virus, for example factories were closed due to city knock-down, and international air traveling are restricted. So there is a drop in demand (in a way demand is suppressed) and that would create a deflationary effect. I think in the formula of supply and demand, we could add a factor: the actual act to do purchasing. I am wondering what will happen if the new money that comes under the ultra-loose monetary and fiscal easing policy only end up into the hands of big corporations and not to the citizens to do purchases.

