2015年1月21日 星期三


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:

IEA 来年の石油需要の見通し下方修正

1212 2338

On the 12th (December) the IEA: the International Energy Agency, against the background of a quick fall in oil price and that Russia together with other petroleum-producing nations would slowdown their business, revised downward the outlook for growth in oil demand, and expected a further slump of oil price.

IEA in the report released on the 12th about the petroleum market, regarding the growth rate for petroleum demand next year, showed the perspective that their former prediction of more than 230,000 barrels a day would stay at 900,000 barrels.

About the reason for the downward revision, IEA assumed that due to a slump in oil price, Russia etc. petroleum-producing nations would slow down their business, and expected a fall in demand.

Concerning petroleum demand for next year, the OPEC= Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries on the 10th revised downward the perspective on demand for the petroleum produced by the signatory countries, and highlighted that the decrease in world demand was more than expected.

In the report IEA pointed out that "it takes time for sale and supply to respond to the present fall in oil price" and showed an understanding that the situation of excessive supply would continue for the time being.

In the past half year oil price had fallen more than 40 %, once more indicating a slow down in demand; due to the worry over excessive supply, oil price was likely to fall further.

I am interested in knowing the reasons for this sudden decrease in the demand for oil world-wide.

