2015年1月17日 星期六


A few weeks ago the NHK New on-line reported the following:
アルツハイマー病 血液で判定できる新技術
1111 411
A group formed by the National Institute for Longevity Science etc. had jointly developed a new technology which just by checking the blood could judge whether a substance that caused Alzheimer's disease was gathering in the brain and thus lead to an early detection of the sickness.

This technology was developed by the National Institute for Longevity Science in Obu city of Aichi, together with Mr. Koichi Tanaka of the Shimadzu Corporation who had won a Nobel Prize.

It was known that a patient with Alzheimer’s disease had a substance called Amyloid beta began to gather in the brain for over than 10 years before developing the disease. But to use the so called PET to check, a picture diagnostic system and a special reagent were necessary, and thus could not be done easily.

This time the study group extracted blood from senior citizens who had Amyloid beta gathering, and also from healthy senior citizens, totaling over 60 people. It was discovered that in the blood of people who had Amyloid beta gathering, the amount of the protein, the so called "APP669-711" had changed very little.

For this checking, it was said that only several drops of blood would be needed. When turned into practical use, it was said that a checking could be done in a blood test during a physical check-up.

Katsuhiko Yanagisawa, the center in-charge of the Dementia Advanced Medical Development Center of the National Institute for Longevity Science said "if it is easy to understand a patient before the sickness develops, a study to look for the remedy by making these patients the subject can also be developed. It should also be useful for developing some preventive medication for the Alzheimer's disease".

It is good news for the Alzheimer's disease patients.

