2015年1月15日 星期四

日本與台湾: 簽備忘錄強化促進観光等関係

A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:

日本と台湾 観光促進などで関係強化の覚書

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Japan and Taiwan, accompanying the expansion of their exchanges, signed a memorandum that aimed at advancing relationship in the promotion of sightseeing, and the related management of people’s coming and going so that in case of an emergency the department-in-charge could contact each other directly.

The memorandum signed by Japan and Taiwan covered the fields of sightseeing, management of people’s arrival and departure, and also in the field of patent etc. four items. On the 20th (November) in Taipei, representatives from respective contacting institutions attended the signing ceremony.

Inside the memorandum, concerning sightseeing, Taiwan would cooperate with Japan in sharing information on the experience in tourism with the aim of further promoting sightseeing.

Also, about the management of people’s coming in and going out, respective bureau- in-charge could now contact with each other directly. In the prevention of traveler's landing with a counterfeiting passport etc. emergency, it became possible to make a quick response.

Between Japan and Taiwan, people's traffic was expanding, the number of travelers who visited Japan from Taiwan between January and last month (October) had reached 2,380,000 which was the highest so far. When it was combined with the number of people who visited Taiwan from Japan, it approached the 4,000,000-mark in a year.

Japan and Taiwan had entered into an agreement on fishing in April last year with the sea area around the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa prefecture as the subject; the present memorandum aimed at further reinforcing the relation of both sides.

It is nice to know that the co-operation between Japan and Taiwan is increasing.

