2015年1月12日 星期一


A few weeks ago the FNN News on-line reported the following:
中国人対象に「数次ビザ」発給要件緩和を発表 外務省
11/09 00:35

Ahead of the Sino-Japanese summit, on the 8th (November) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that targeting at the Chinese, it would ease the issuing requirements for "multiple-time visa" which one could enter unlimited times within the expiry date.

The easing of multiple-time visa issuing requirement was aimed at Chinese businessmen and scholars who had in the past three years visited Japan as an individual tourist.

Up to now, the issue of multiple-time visa to individual Chinese tourists was restricted to those first-time travels to the northeast three prefectures or to the Okinawa prefecture for a purpose related to the promotion of Okinawa or the earthquake disaster reconstruction, with the condition that the stay was for more than one night.

It was said that from now on this condition would be abolished for the individual tourists who had high income.

    As far as the Sino-Japanese relation is concerned, it is a good sign that tourists from China could visit Japan more easily.

