2014年12月29日 星期一


To-day the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
Gメール、中国全土で使用不能に 政府が規制強化か

After the 27th, the free web-mail service of "G-mailing" managed by US Google basically could not be used in China anymore. There was a possibility that the Chinese authority had strengthened its Net regulations.

 From the 27th according to more than one Chinese media, G-mail could not be sent and received by personal computers and smart phones anymore nationwide. From the 26th to the 27th, according to the sites which the situation of using the Net and the regulations were announced officially, data flowing rate in G-mail in China decreased rapidly, thereafter almost all Google in the Net was zero.

   In March 2010 when Google declined the Chinese government's request for censorship cooperation, its searching service in mainland Chinese was stopped. But after that one could search through a site from Hong Kong, yet using the usual means to access from mainland China was difficult at present.

   As G-mail could be used even after this search service suspension of Google, it became popular among the Chinese users. About the reason, a comment given (by the Hong Kong media) was that “this controlling measure on the Net is an upgraded version of the Chinese government". Google while suggesting enterprises and individuals to use other companies’ service, there was also a possibility that further pressure would be applied to it.

It is an interesting development in China on controlling the freedom of expression.

