2014年12月15日 星期一


A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20141018 0307

In Japan the number of applications to become confirmed refugee was increasing rapidly.

According to the Ministry of Justice, the number of applications for January to September this year was about 3,600, breaking last year’s 3,260 that was so far the highest in record, and it was estimated that it would go beyond 4,000 by year end. Due to a system change in March 2010, it was permissible for a foreigner, who had a lawful stay, to work legally until his application result was known. It was thought that these "disguised" applications, which in fact were for the purpose of starting to work, were rampant.

   The purpose for this system change was to give consideration to claimants who might come to an economic deadlock during the verification period. It was only in those cases that the verification was prolonged into over six months that one would be allowed to earn his own cost of living. However, it was not applicable to foreigners who were staying illegal at the time of application.

   Therefore after the system changes, there was an increase in the application from foreigners who had regular residence based on qualifications such as studying from abroad or for a temporary stay. From 668 cases in 2010 it increased by 3 times to 2,404 cases in 2013.

In case that a foreigner who was permitted to visit Japan using a student visa, a part-time job up to 4 hours a day was permissible in principle. One could apply for refugee confirmation and start working full-time in spite of the job category if the processing time exceeded six months. It was said that the said Ministry’s Immigration Bureau, during the consultation with schools that taught Japanese language, heard that "students from overseas begin to apply for refugee confirmation and then to work in earnest; they do not go to the school any more".

For a country like Japan which is having a population decline, I think to handle 4,000 refugee applications in one year is manageable.

