Recently reported the following:
2024.12.12 Thu posted at 18:28 JST
(CNN) 「デイノコッカス・ラジオデュランス」と呼ばれる細菌の一種は最も過酷な環境でも生き延びる能力を持つ。「英雄コナン」にちなみ「コナン・ザ・バクテリア」というニックネームが付けられており、人間の致死量の2万8000倍もの放射線に耐えられる。今回、その能力の秘密が抗酸化物質にあることが分かった。
secret of the bacteria's ability to withstand radiation that exceeds the lethal
dose for humans is revealed
Scientists had uncovered how antioxidants work and revealed the possibility of using them to protect the health of humans on Earth and those who might explore extraterrestrials in the future.
Antioxidants were made up of simple aggregates of small molecules called metabolites that contained manganese, phosphate, and peptides (molecules) of amino acids.
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on the 9th revealed that the combination of this powerful trio of ingredients provided more protection against radiation than manganese combined with one of the other ingredients alone.
According to the study authors, this discovery could be used to protect astronauts from high doses of space radiation on future deep space missions across the solar system.
Unlocking the secrets of antioxidants
is listed in the Guinness World Records as the most radiation-resistant
organism. Studies so far had shown that the bacterium could survive for three
years outside the International Space Station (ISS). It could also withstand
acid, cold, and dehydration.
According to a report in October 2022, if Deinococcus existed on Mars, it could have survived for millions of years in a frozen state.
Previously, when the amount of manganese antioxidants in the bacterial cells was measured, it was found that the amount of radiation that the microorganism could survive is directly related to the amount of manganese antioxidants. In other words, the more manganese antioxidants there were, the more resistant it was to radiation.
When dried and frozen, Deinococcus could withstand 140,000 grays, which was 28,000 times the amount of radiation that would be lethal to human.
In this study, a synthetic antioxidant, MDP (Melatonin-derived Protective Protein) was used, it was designed with Deinococcus as inspiration.
Michael Daly, professor of pathology at the Uniformed Services University said that "This new understanding of MDP could lead to the development of even more powerful manganese-based antioxidants, it could have applications in medicine, manufacturing, defense, and space exploration."
He also noted that "MDP is a simple, cost-effective, non-toxic, and highly effective radioprotector, which could potentially reduce the risks of space radiation when administered orally."
On Earth,
it could also be used to protect against accidental radiation leaks.
So, a type of bacteria called
"Deinococcus radiodurans" has the ability to survive even in the
harshest environments. A research team analyzed
how the active components of MDP, which contain manganese, phosphate, and a
peptide can protected cells and proteins from radiation exposure. It is also noted that MDP is a simple,
cost-effective, non-toxic, and highly effective radioprotector. On Earth, it
could also be used to protect against accidental radiation leaks. Apparently,
MDP will help us in our space exploration projects.
1. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) is
a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journal. It is the official
journal of the National Academy of Sciences, published since 1915, publishing
original research, scientific reviews, commentaries, and letters. (Wikipedia)
2. A gray (Gy)
is the SI-derived unit of absorbed dose and specific energy (energy per unit
mass). Such energies are usually associated with ionizing radiation such as
gamma particles or X-rays. It is defined as the absorption of one joule of
energy in the form of ionizing radiation by one kilogram of tissue. In the SI
basic units, a gray is expressed as m²⋅s⁻².(