2024年9月7日 星期六

Inappropriate remarks made on NHK radio international broadcasts etc. and on issues about Senkaku Islands

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

NHK ラジオ国際放送などで不適切発言 尖閣諸島などで

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On the afternoon of the 19th, during Chinese news on NHK radio international broadcasts, etc., a Chinese external staff member who was reading the script made inappropriate remarks about the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, etc., that were not in the script. NHK had strongly protested to this staff through the related organization the contract for outsourcing. This related organization also planned to terminate the contract with this staff member.

From just after 1:00 p.m. on the 19th, during Chinese news broadcasts on NHK's international broadcasts such as shortwave radio and Radio 2, an external staff member who translated and read the Japanese script made inappropriate remarks that were not in this script, such as stating that the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture were Chinese territory, after reporting the news.

This staff member was a Chinese man in his 40s with whom an NHK related organization had an outsourcing contract, and was responsible for translating Japanese scripts into Chinese and reading them on the radio.

NHK had strongly protested to this staff through the related organization.

Additionally, this related organizations planned to terminate the contracts with the person in question.

NHK commented, "It was inappropriate to broadcast remarks that were unrelated to the news, and we deeply apologize. We will take thorough measures to prevent recurrence."

              So, a Chinese contract staff who was responsible to translate and read the Japanese script for NHK radio broadcasting, made some politically incorrect remarks after reporting the news. This is an interesting incident and I am wondering what has motived this Chinese employee to do this, may be out of patriotism?

