2024年9月23日 星期一

南海:為何北京對越南採取低調態度,但對菲律賓卻不然 (2/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

South China Sea: why Beijing takes a low-key approach to Vietnam but not the Philippines (2/2)

South China Morning Post - Alyssa Chen

Tue, September 3, 2024 at 2:30 a.m. PDT·8 min read


According to an associate professor in Guangzhou, who specialises in the South China Sea and asked to remain anonymous, Manila's closeness to the US, the "collective effort to intimidate China" and its willingness to support Washington's stance on Taiwan was "intolerable" to Beijing.

Beijing views Taiwan as part of its territory that must be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary.

Most countries, including the US and Philippines, do not recognise Taiwan as an independent state, but Washington opposes any attempt to take the island by force and is legally bound to arm the island to help it defend itself.

The academic said Beijing now felt forced to leverage the South China Sea dispute to put pressure on Manila. 

"Unlike other nations that engage frequently in joint military exercises with forces outside the region, Vietnam has been notably restrained in colluding with extra-regional powers," the associate professor added.

Zack Cooper, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said Beijing may want to discourage other South China Sea claimants from following the Philippine lead.

"[China] feels that pushing back hard against the Marcos government is useful to teach other countries a lesson about aligning too closely with the US," he said.

Harrison Pretat, a maritime affairs expert at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, said: "It is likely that some amount of the pressure Beijing has applied to Manila's maritime activities has been an attempt to test US-Philippine unity and raise doubts in the Philippines about the usefulness of the alliance."

But he also said that it may be worried that taking a tough approach to the Philippines and Vietnam at the same time could "strain its resources and amount to an untenable level of risk".

Pham, from the South China Sea Chronicle Initiative, said: "Missteps in exerting pressure on Vietnam will only drive Vietnam closer to the US and other regional powers, complicating China's strategic calculations in the South China Sea."

Pretat also said Vietnam "prefers to manage maritime tensions with Beijing quietly and is unlikely to follow in Manila's footsteps", adding that the Philippines has tried to "internationalise" the dispute.

In 2016 it took a case to an international tribunal in The Hague, which rejected Beijing's claims over the waterway, and it is now considering another lawsuit alleging that China has caused environmental damage in the waterway.

China refused to take part in the 2016 hearings and has never accepted the findings.

Ding Duo, from the National Institute for South China Sea Studies in Hainan, said Manila tended to "escalate the issue as much as possible" but "high-level officials and leaders in Vietnam rarely talk about the dispute internationally or point their fingers at China".

But Zhu Feng, executive dean of Nanjing University's school of international studies, said the "potential threats posed by Vietnam's island-building have not been completely eliminated".

Zhu added: "Such activities could become a new flashpoint in the bilateral relationship if there is a substantial change or escalation."

According to Ding, Beijing's different approach towards the two countries stemmed from the fact that Vietnam was building "on features it has controlled since the 1970s and 1980s, while Beijing views Manila's efforts as an attempt to take over previously uninhabited features or those under Chinese control, such as Scarborough Shoal".

Ding said Beijing may think Manila's actions were "unacceptable" and not in line with the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.

This non-binding guideline signed by China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 2002 says countries should not establish a presence on uninhabited islands or reefs and should exercise self-restraint.

In 2013 China embarked on a major island-building programme of its own in the Spratly Islands, and also built up both civilian and military infrastructure in the South China Sea, including runways, radar stations and accommodation for troops.

All this construction happened on features that Beijing already controlled and state media has defended its actions as "lawful and justified".

Pham said the key to China's approach was "divide and rule tactics" because it wanted to forestall any collective resistance among claimant states to maintain its dominance in the South China Sea.

However, Cooper warned, tough measures from Beijing could not be ruled out in the future, "if more substantial military forces start being deployed more regularly to those [Vietnamese] features".








美國企業研究所高級研究員Zack Cooper表示,北京可能希望阻止其他南海聲索國效仿菲律賓的做法。


戰略與國際研究中心海事專家Harrison Pretat表示:「北京對馬尼拉海事活動施加一定程度的壓力,很可能是為了考驗美菲團結,並引發對菲律賓對該聯盟的有用性的懷疑」。



Pretat還表示,越南 “更願意悄悄地處理與北京的海上緊張局勢,不太可能步馬尼拉的後塵” ,並補充說菲律賓已試圖將爭端 “國際化”



海南南海研究院的Ding Duo表示,馬尼拉傾向於“盡可能升級問題”,但“越南高層和領導人很少在國際上談論這一爭端,也很少將矛頭指向中國”

但南京大學國際關係學院執行院長Zhu Feng表示,「越南造島造成的潛在威脅尚未完全消除」。

Zhu補充說: “如果出現實質性變化或升級,此類活動可能成為雙邊關係新的爆發點。”


Ding表示,北京可能認為馬尼拉的行為 “不可接受” ,不符合《南海各方行為宣言》。






So, this article looks at the differences in China's response to its maritime disputes with the Philippines and Vietnam. China's response to Vietnam's rapid expansion of its land reclamation in the Spratly Islands has been muted so far - a stark contrast to Beijing's increasingly assertive response to the Philippines. It is interesting to note that in 2016 the Philippines took this maritime dispute to an international tribunal which rejected Beijing's claims over the waterway. China refuses to take part in this  hearing and has never accepted the tribunal’s findings.

