2024年9月3日 星期二


Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

Foreign Investors Pull Record Amount of Money from China

Bloomberg News

Sun, August 11, 2024 at 10:08 p.m. PDT·3 min read

(Bloomberg) -- Foreign investors pulled a record amount of money from China last quarter, likely reflecting deep pessimism about the world’s second-largest economy.

China’s direct investment liabilities in its balance of payments dropped almost $15 billion in the April-June period, marking only the second time this figure has turned negative, according to data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange released Friday. It was down about $5 billion for the first six months.

Should the decline continue for the rest of the year, it would be the first annual net outflow since at least 1990, when comparable data begins.

Foreign investment into China has slumped in recent years after hitting a record $344 billion in 2021. The slowdown in the economy and rising geopolitical tensions has led some companies to reduce their exposure, and the rapid shift to electric vehicles in China also caught foreign car firms off guard, prompting some to withdraw or scale back their investments.

The fall comes despite Beijing’s growing efforts to attract and retain foreign investment, following the smallest increase on record last year. The government wants to show it remains open and attractive to foreign businesses, in the hope that companies will bring advanced technologies and resist pressure from the US and elsewhere to decouple from China.

SAFE’s data, which tracks net flows, can reflect trends in foreign company profits, as well as changes in the size of their operations in China. Multinationals have more reason to keep cash abroad rather than in China, as advanced economies have been raising interest rates while Beijing is lowering them to stimulate the economy.

Earlier figures from the Ministry of Commerce showed that new foreign direct investment into China during the first half of the year was the lowest since the start of the pandemic in 2020.

Rising Outbound Investment

Chinese outbound investment also hit a record, with firms sending $71 billion overseas in the second quarter, up more than 80% from the $39 billion in the same period last year.

Chinese firms have been rapidly stepping up investment, with money going into projects such as electric vehicle and battery factories.

The data also showed that the anomaly in the measurement of China’s trade surplus continue to grow, hitting a record $87 billion in the second quarter and taking it to almost $150 billion for the first half of the year. That gap was highlighted by the US Treasury earlier this year in a report that called on China to clarify why the numbers were so different.

According to a recent report from the International Monetary Fund, this discrepancy “seems to be mainly caused by the different methodologies used to record exports and imports of goods.”

The gap has grown after a switch two years ago in what data the Chinese authorities were using, and was also boosted by a recent increase in production in bonded zones by foreign firms.



中國國家外匯管理局週五公佈的數據顯示,4月至6月期間,中國國際收支中的直接投資負債減少近150億美元,這是該數字第二次出現負值。前六個月減少了約 50 億美元。

如果今年剩餘時間這種下降持續下去,這將是至少自 1990 , 即開始有比較數據以來的首次年度淨流出。

中國的外國投資在2021 年達到創紀錄的3,440 億美元後,近年來大幅下滑。經濟放緩和地緣政治緊張局勢加劇, 導致一些公司減風險敞口,而中國向電動汽車的快速轉變都給外國汽車公司措手不及,促使一些公司撤回或縮減投資。










              So, foreign investors pull a record amount of money from China last quarter, likely reflecting deep pessimism about the world’s second-largest economy. Probably, multinationals have more reason to keep cash abroad rather than in China, one reason is that advanced economies have been raising interest rates while Beijing is lowering them to stimulate the economy. Meanwhile Chinese outbound investments also hit a record. I am wondering which direction will the Chinese economy go in the coming years.


1. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) (國家外匯管理局) of the People's Republic of China is an administrative agency under the State Council tasked with drafting rules and regulations governing foreign exchange market activities, and managing the state foreign-exchange reserves. (Wikipedia)

2. A bonded zone (保稅區) is an area within a country where there are special trade terms or policies. Generally, arrangements for customs duties, import/export duties will differ from normal import/export procedures. For example, foreign goods can enter the region without paying duties and be kept bonded. The manufacturing and trade inside the zone can be exempted from value added and sales taxes. (https://zhenhub.com/blog/china-bonded-zones-cross-border-ecommerce/)

