2024年9月1日 星期日

Atlantic Ocean Circulation May Stop as Early as the Late 2030s: New Study

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

大西洋海洋循環、早ければ2030年代後半にも停止 新研究

2024.08.05 Mon posted at 17:29 JST

(CNN) 大西洋海水表層北上して深層南下する南北循環(AMOC)、早ければ2030年代後半にも停止するれがあるとの研究結果たに報告された








(CNN)  A new study reported that the Atlantic Ocean Meridional Overturning Centrifugal Force (AMOC), in which ocean water in the Atlantic Ocean moved north at the surface and south at the depths, might stop as early as the late 2030s.

Like a global scale conveyor belt, the AMOC carried warm ocean water and salt from the Southern Hemisphere to the North Atlantic. The cooled ocean water in the North Atlantic sank into the deep layers and moved south again. This circulation distributed life-sustaining nutrients to marine ecosystems while preventing parts of the Southern Hemisphere from becoming too hot and parts of the Northern Hemisphere from becoming too cold.

Several studies in recent years had suggested that the AMOC might be weakening and heading toward collapse due to the fluctuation of salinity caused by the rising ocean temperatures and by human caused climate change.

This new study used cutting-edge models to estimate when AMOC would break down, suggesting that it could shut down between 37 and 64 years. The study was currently under peer review and had not yet been published in a journal.

The study suggested that AMOC could likely be shut down by 2050.

Rene van Westen, a marine and atmospheric researcher at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and co-author of the study, called the findings "very worrying." He told CNN that all the negative side effects of man-made climate change would continue in the form of more heat waves, droughts and floods, and that if AMOC were to break down, the climate would become even more distorted.

Arctic ice would begin to move south a few decades after AMOC's shutdown, reaching the south coast of England in 100 years. Starting from Europe then North America, including parts of the United States the average temperature would drop. The Amazon rainforest would see a complete reversal of seasons, with the current dry season becoming a wet season and the wet season becoming a dry season.

 So, a new study reports that the AMOC may stop as early as in the late 2030s. Arctic ice then will begin to move south and cause the average temperature to drop starting from Europe then North America, including parts of the United States. The Amazon rainforest will see a complete reversal of seasons. I am wondering what these substantial climate changes will impact human's future.

