2024年9月5日 星期四

China to impose export restrictions on rare metal antimony-related items from September

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

中国 希少金属アンチモン関連品目 9月から輸出規制へ

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The Chinese government announced that it would impose export restrictions on items related to antimony, a rare metal used as a material for semiconductors, starting from September. It was believed that the aim was also to check the United States and other countries that were strengthening export restrictions on semiconductors and other products.

On the 15th, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs announced that they would impose export restrictions on items related to the rare metal antimony based on the "Export Control Law" and other laws.

According to the law, companies that exported the targeted items would be required to obtain permission after indicating the final user and used for what purpose, and to be reviewed by the government.

Violations could be punished, and the restrictions would be implemented starting from September 15th.

Antimony was a rare metal used in semiconductor materials and flame retardants that could make products less flammable, and China had a large share of the global market.

The Chinese government claimed that the measures this time aimed at protecting national security and interests, and were also thought to be aimed at deterring countries such as the United States, which were tightening export controls on semiconductors and other products.

 The Chinese government had

implemented export controls on items related to gallium and germanium, which could be used in semiconductor materials, since August last year,

and since December last year also began to impose export controls on items related to graphite, which could be used as a material in lithium-ion batteries.

              So, China announces that it will impose export restrictions on items related to antimony from September. It is believed that one intention is to check the United States and other countries that are strengthening export restrictions on semiconductors and other products. I am wondering how this restriction will affect the global market for antimony.


Antimony () is a chemical element. Antimony compounds have been known since ancient times and were powdered for use as medicine and cosmetics, often known by the Arabic name kohl. China is the largest producer of antimony and its compounds. The largest use of metallic antimony is in alloys with lead and tin, and lead-antimony alloy is used in lead-acid batteries. Antimony is also needed in emerging microelectronics technologies. (Wikipedia)

