2024年9月17日 星期二

IBM to close R&D centers in China, local media reports

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

米IBM、中国の研究開発拠点を閉鎖へ 地元メディア報道

2024.08.28 Wed posted at 17:00 JST


香港(CNN) 米IBMが中国にある研究開発拠点を閉鎖し、1000人あまりの従業員を削減する方針であることがわかった。複数の中国メディアが伝えた。米中間の地政学的な緊張によって、グローバル企業の多くが世界2位の経済大国である中国での将来について再考するようになっている。







Hong Kong (CNN) IBM was planning to close its R&D centers in China and cut more than 1,000 employees, according to multiple Chinese media reports. Geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China were causing many global companies to rethink their future in China, the world's second-largest economy.

U.S.-China relations had worsened over science and technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and green technology, as well as national security concerns. Some companies were quietly cutting staff or transferring staff.

Chinese media First Finance reported on the 26th that IBM would close its R&D centers across China, including a research facility that opened 25 years ago.

IBM said in a statement to CNN on the 27th that it was adjusting operations as necessary to best serve its customers, and that these changes would not affect its ability to support customers across Greater China. It did not comment on the number of staff cuts or whether it would retain research staff in China.

Another Chinese media outlet reported that an IBM executive announced that staff in Beijing, Shanghai and Dalian would be affected by the cuts. The executive reportedly told staff that IBM's infrastructure business in China was "on the decline" and that research being conducted there would be transferred to other labs.

IBM had a long history in China, having supplied equipment to a hospital in Beijing in 1934. In 1984, with the reform and opening-up movement, it re-entered the Chinese market, seeing great potential. However, in recent years, this enthusiasm had cooled. Competition between the United States and China in the field of science and technology was intensifying, to do business in the Chinese market was increasingly difficult for American companies.

              So, IBM is planning to close its R&D centers in China and cut more than 1,000 employees. Geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China are causing many global companies to rethink their future in China. Probably the moving out trend of overseas companies will continue unless the situation improves.

