2024年8月21日 星期三

To strengthen new drug development capabilities, Prime Minister: "To create more than 10 companies with a value of over 10 billion yen"

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

新薬開発力強化 首相価値100億円以上企業 10社以上

2024730 1912













In order to strengthen domestic new drug development capabilities, the government held a meeting to hear opinions from domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, and Prime Minister Kishida announced a policy to increase investment in startup companies involved in new drug development and aimed to create by 2028 more than 10 companies with a value of over 10 billion yen.

In light of the fact that Japan fell behind other countries in vaccine and treatment development during the spread of COVID-19, the government wanted to strengthen new drug development capabilities, and on the 30th, a meeting called the "Drug Discovery Ecosystem Summit" was held at the Prime Minister's Office to hear opinions from major domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, research institutes, patient groups, and other related parties.

In this meeting, Prime Minister Kishida said, "We will position the pharmaceutical industry as a growth industry, secure the necessary budget, and bring together excellent human resources and funds from both within and outside Japan, making Japan a 'drug discovery center' that can contribute to the people of the world."

Also, the government announced a policy to double private investment in startup companies involved in new drug development by 2028, aiming to create more than 10 companies with a value of over 10 billion yen.

The government also planned to work with overseas companies to develop domestic bases for clinical trials and to eliminate "drug loss," where drugs used overseas for pediatric use or for intractable diseases could not be used in Japan. At the meeting, the government also confirmed its intention to establish a new council next year to promote public-private collaboration.

The current state of new drugs development in Japan

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, sales of pharmaceuticals originating in Japan in the global pharmaceutical market had been declining year by year, falling below 10% in 2014, and at the time of the spread of the new corona infection, Japan lagged behind overseas in the development of vaccines and therapeutic drugs.

In addition, "drug loss," where drugs approved overseas could not be used in Japan, was also a problem, and 86 drugs for pediatric use or intractable diseases were not undergoing clinical trials in Japan because of the difficulty in collecting data due to the small number of patients and low profit.

For this reason, a new strategy compiled by a government panel of experts in May pointed out the need for the government to strengthen support for human resource development and research, as well as to create mechanisms to attract talent and funding from both within and outside of Japan, such as improving the environment for clinical trials and reviewing regulations.

This summit was held in response to the above, and the government aimed to make Japan a " drugs development hub" that would stand shoulder to shoulder with the world by listening to overseas pharmaceutical companies and others about the barriers they faced in expanding their business and investing in Japan, as well as providing them with information on research being conducted in Japan.

              So, sales of pharmaceuticals originating in Japan in the global pharmaceutical market fell below 10% in 2014. In order to strengthen domestic new drug development capabilities, Japan announced a policy to increase investment in new drug development with an aim to create by 2028 more than 10 companies with a value of over 10 billion yen each. All along Japan has been good at providing heath care services.

