2024年8月5日 星期一

期待已久的中國政策更新並未出現重大轉變 (1/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Long-awaited Chinese policy update presents no major shift (1/2)


Updated Sun, July 21, 2024 at 5:52 a.m. PDT·4 min read

BEIJING (Reuters) -China released a policy document on Sunday, outlining known ambitions, from developing advanced industries to improving the business environment, with analysts spotting no sign of imminent structural shifts in the world's second biggest economy.

The 60-point document's publication follows the closed-doors meeting of the Communist Party's Central Committee, led by President Xi Jinping, which takes place roughly every five years, and is known as a plenum.

It was held from July 15-18 as China verges on deflation and faces a prolonged property crisis, surging debt and weak consumer and business sentiment. Trade tensions are also flaring, as global leaders grow increasingly wary of China's export dominance.

These challenges have led some economists to urge Beijing to shift focus to boosting consumer demand and away from a debt-fuelled, investment-led model that funnels resources into manufacturing and infrastructure at the expense of households.

China's long-term growth potential is at stake, these economists say.

But the plenum reasserted China's quest for "new productive forces", a term Xi coined last year that envisions scientific research and technological upgrades of the country's sprawling industrial complex.

It set out to "promote revolutionary breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and in-depth industrial transformation and upgrading," the policy document said.

It listed as strategic industries "new generation information technology, artificial intelligence, aviation and aerospace, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, biomedicine, and quantum technology".

"The overall industrial system is large but not strong, comprehensive but not refined, key and core technologies are controlled by others," state media quoted Xi as telling the plenum.

The plenum was initially expected late last year, but was postponed without explanation.

(to be continued)


北京(路透社) - 中國週日發布了一份政策文件,概述了從發展先進產業到改善營商環境等已知的雄心,分析師沒有發現這世界第二大經濟體即將發生結構性轉變的跡象。

這份包含 60 內容的文件是在習近平主席領導的中共中央委員會閉門會議之後發布的,該會議大約每五年舉行一次,被稱為「全體會議」。

這次會議於 7 15 日至 18 日舉行,正當中國正瀕臨通貨緊縮,並面臨長期的房地產危機、債務激增, 以及消費者和企業信心疲軟。隨著全球領導人對中國的出口主導地位越來越警惕,貿易緊張局勢也加劇。









