2024年8月16日 星期五

哈馬斯和法塔赫同意組成政府。這意味著什麼? (1/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

Hamas and Fatah agree to form a government. What does it mean and who are these Palestinian groups? (1/2)

Jack Jeffery

Tue, July 23, 2024 at 11:35 a.m. PDT·4 min read

The Associated Press

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian factions and bitter foes Hamas and Fatah signed a declaration in China vowing to form a unity government to govern the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip following the end of the Israel-Hamas war.

The agreement announced in Beijing on Tuesday, which also included 12 smaller Palestinian parties, could start the thawing of relations and potential reconciliation of the two heavyweights of Palestinian politics who have long been at odds over the governance of the Palestinian territories.

Israel has ruled out any initiative that would lead to Hamas or the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority governing Gaza, and the China deal offers only a broad outline on how Fatah and Hamas would work together.

Here is a look at the relationship between the two and the challenges that lie ahead.

An agreement between old Palestinian foes

The secular Fatah party and Hamas, a Sunni Islamist party, have been at loggerheads since the late 1980s.

Tensions between the two climaxed after the second Intifada, or uprising, that ended in 2005. Hamas narrowly won Palestinian legislative elections in 2006 and seized power in Gaza the following year in a violent takeover. During the fighting, Fatah members were arrested and some were killed.

Hamas has ruled Gaza since, though Israel’s campaign since Hamas' Oct. 7 attacks has driven it underground.

The Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority controls parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank and has spent the last decade clamping down on dissent, rounding up and arresting Hamas members — many of whom are wanted by Israel — and posing little resistance to Israeli raids.

It is widely viewed as corrupt and many Palestinians consider it a subcontractor of the Israeli occupation because of their unpopular security coordination. Since the latest war in Gaza began, Israel has increased its operations in the West Bank and imposed sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.

Hamas and Fatah signed reconciliation agreements in Cairo, Egypt, in 2011, and 11 years later in Algiers, Algeria, but their provisions were never implemented.

The Beijing declaration calls for a Palestinian state based on borders that were in place before Israel captured the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem in a 1967 war. But it offers only the broadest outline as to how the two factions would work together and provides no timeframe for its implementation.

The deal also does not address the groups' diverging views on Israel; Hamas has long refused to officially recognize Israel, while the Palestinian Authority has recognized Israel since they signed peace deals in the early 1990s and it supports a two-state solution.

(to be continued)







世俗的法塔赫政黨和遜尼派伊斯蘭政黨哈馬斯自 20 世紀 80 年代末期以來一直不和。

2005年結束的第二次暴動或起義之後,兩者之間的緊張關係達到高潮。 哈馬斯2006年以微弱優勢贏得了巴勒斯坦立法選舉,並於次年以暴力接管方式去奪取加沙的權力。 在戰鬥期間,法塔赫成員被捕,一些被人殺害。

此後,哈馬斯一直統治加沙,儘管以色列自哈馬斯 10 7 日襲擊以來行動已使其轉入地下。

法塔赫主導的巴勒斯坦權力機構控制著以色列佔領的約旦河西岸部分地區,過去十年一直在鎮壓異議人士,圍捕和逮捕哈馬斯成員 - 其中許多人是以色列通緝的 - 並且對以色列的襲擊幾乎沒有做出抵抗。




該協議也沒有解決各組織對以色列的不同看法;哈馬斯長期以來拒絕正式承認以色列,而巴勒斯坦權力機構自 1990 年代初簽署和平協議以來就承認以色列,並支持兩國解決方案。


