2024年8月22日 星期四


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

India offers $300 million loan to build up Vietnam's maritime security, saying it is a key partner

Ashok Sharma

Thu, August 1, 2024 at 3:05 a.m. PDT·2 min read

NEW DELHI (AP) — India on Thursday offered a $300 million loan to build up Vietnam’s maritime security, as the two sides said they want to double their trade and investment within five years.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi told visiting Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh that India considers Vietnam a key pillar of its policy toward Southeast Asian nations and an important partner in its Indo-Pacific vision.

After their talks, Chinh told reporters the world faces fierce security challenges but there are opportunities for cooperation.

"The Asia Indo-Pacific region is a locomotive for growth, but it is also where major politics is taking place fiercely," he said. "We need an approach and methodology that is global and upholding multilateralism."

The prime ministers said both sides wanted to further their cooperation in defense and other areas such as semiconductor and green technology, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and climate action.

Modi and Chinh virtually inaugurated the “Army Software Park” in Vietnam, an educational facility set up with India's help to train Vietnamese soldiers in digital skills.

Bilateral trade between the two countries in 2022 grew 27% and reached $14.14 billion. Indian exports to Vietnam touched $6.7 billion, while Indian imports from Vietnam amounted to $7.44 billion in the same period, India's Ministry of External Affairs said.

Indian exports to Vietnam include iron and steel, cotton, cereals, meat and fishery products, electrical machinery and equipment, automobile parts, cement, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

India’s import basket from Vietnam mainly includes electrical and electronic equipment, inorganic chemicals, machinery and mechanical appliances, copper and rubber, coffee and tea, spices, iron and steel.

India’s investments in Vietnam are estimated at around $1.9 billion in energy, mineral exploration, agriculture, information technology and other areas, according to the country's External Affairs Ministry.

Vietnam has invested over $28.55 million in India, mainly in pharmaceuticals, information technology, chemicals, and building materials.


新德里(美聯社)正當印度和越南雙方表示希望在五年內將貿易和投資翻倍之際, 印度週四提供越南了3億美元的貸款,以加強越南的海上安全。

莫迪總理向來訪的越南總理范明正(Pham Minh Chinh)表示,印度認為越南是其對東南亞國家政策的關鍵支柱,也是其印太願景的重要夥伴。

會談後,Chinh 對記者表示,世界面臨嚴峻的安全挑戰,但也存在合作機會。

他說:亞洲印太地區是增長的火車頭,但也是主要政治激烈發生的地方” ; “我們需要一種全球性的、維護多邊主義的處理方針和方法。


莫迪和 Chinh 為越南虛擬的「陸軍軟件園」揭幕,這是一個在印度幫助下建立的教育設施,用於培訓越南士兵的電子化技能。

2022年兩國雙邊貿易成長27%,達141. 4億美元。印度外交部稱,同期印度對越南的出口額達 67 億美元,而印度從越南的進口額達 74.4 億美元。



據印度外交部稱,印度在越南的投資估計約為 19 億美元,涉及能源、礦產勘探、農業、資訊技術和其他領域。


So, India has offered a $300 million loan to build up Vietnam’s maritime security, as the two sides want to double their trade and investment. India considers Vietnam a key pillar of its policy toward Southeast Asian nations and an important partner in its Indo-Pacific vision. It seems that Vietnam is having good relationship with all major countries, at least on the face of it, from China, the US, Russia to Japan. China is Vietnam's indispensable ally as both are practicing Communism, but Vietnam and China have sovereignty issues in the South China Sea, and is wary of any coercive actions by this powerful neighbor. Therefore, in terms of national sovereignty, Vietnam needs the United States to contain China's actions in the region to safeguard its sovereignty in the South China Sea.

