2024年8月11日 星期日

氧氣的發現挑戰了深海知識 (2/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-in reported the following:

Oxygen discovery defies knowledge of the deep ocean (2/2)

BBC - Victoria Gill - Science correspondent

Updated Tue, July 23, 2024 at 6:21 a.m. PDT·4 min read


The researchers put this theory to the test in the lab, collecting and studying the potato-sized metal nodules. Their experiments measured the voltages on the surface of each metallic lump - essentially the strength of the electric current. They found it to be almost equal to the voltage in a typical AA-sized battery.

This means, they say, that the nodules sitting on the seabed could generate electric currents large enough to split, or electrolyse, molecules of seawater.

The researchers think the same process - battery-powered oxygen production that requires no light and no biological process - could be happening on other moons and planets, creating oxygen-rich environments where life could thrive.

The Clarion-Clipperton Zone, where the discovery was made, is a site already being explored by a number of seabed mining companies, which are developing technology to collect the nodules and bring them to a ship at the surface.

The US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration has warned that this seabed mining could “result in the destruction of life and the seabed habitat in the mined areas”.

More than 800 marine scientists from 44 countries have signed a petition highlighting the environmental risks and calling for a pause on mining activity.

New species are being discovered in the deep ocean all the time - it is often said that we know more about the surface of the Moon than we do about the deep sea. And this discovery suggests that the nodules themselves could be providing the oxygen to support life there.

Prof Murray Roberts, a marine biologist from the University of Edinburgh is one of the scientists who signed the seabed mining petition. “There’s already overwhelming evidence that strip mining deep-sea nodule fields will destroy ecosystems we barely understand,” he told BBC News.

“Because these fields cover such huge areas of our planet it would be crazy to press ahead with deep-sea mining knowing they may be a significant source of oxygen production.”

Prof Sweetman added: “I don't see this study as something that will put an end to mining.

“[But] we need to explore it in greater detail and we need to use this information and the data we gather in future if we are going to go into the deep ocean and mine it in the most environmentally friendly way possible.”



研究人員在實驗室中測試了這個理論,收集並研究了馬鈴薯大小的金屬小瘤。他們的實驗測量了每個金屬塊表面的電壓 - 本質上是電流的強度。發現它幾乎等於典型 AA 電池的電壓。


研究人員認為,同樣的過程 - 用電池供電生,不需要光和生物過程 - 可能會發生在其他衛星和行星上,創造出生命可以繁衍生息的充足氧氣環境。

這項發現所在的 Clarion-Clipperton 區已經被許多海底採礦公司勘探過,這些公司正在開發技術去收集小瘤並將其運送到水面的船隻。


來自 44 個國家的 800 多名海洋科學家簽署了一份請願書,強調環境風險並呼籲暫停採礦活動。

 深海中一直發現新物種 - 人們常說,我們對月球表面的了解比對深海的了解還要多。這項發現表明,小瘤本身可以提供氧氣來維持那裡的生命。

愛丁堡大學海洋生物學家 Murray Roberts 教授是簽署海底採礦請願書的科學家之一。他告訴英國廣播公司: 「已經有壓倒性的證據表明,在深海小瘤區進行露天採礦 (strip mining) 將破壞我們幾乎不了解的生態系統」。


Sweetman 教授補充說:「我不認為這項研究會停止採礦行為」。

[但是]我們需要更詳細地探索它如果我們預備進入深海, 並以盡可能最環保的方式開採它,我們需要使用收集得來的數據和信息來進行開採。

              So, Scientists have discovered “dark oxygen” on seafloor. Several mining companies plan to collect these nodules, which marine scientists fear could disrupt marine life that depends on the oxygen. Scientists have signed a petition highlighting the environmental risks and calling for a pause on mining activity. I hope mining company will be careful not to upset the environmental balance at the sea bottom.


Strip mining is the practice of mining a seam of mineral, by first removing a long strip of overlying soil and rock (the overburden); this activity is also referred to as overburden removal. It is most commonly used to mine coal and lignite (brown coal). Strip mining is only practical when the ore body to be excavated is relatively near the surface. (Wikipedia)

