2024年8月20日 星期二

Growing Russian threat leads European countries to revert to conscription

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2024.07.27 Sat posted at 13:00 JST


(CNN) ロシアの脅威が高まる中、複数の欧州諸国は防衛力強化を目的とした政策の一環として兵役義務を再導入または拡大した。























(CNN) As the Russian threat grew, several European countries had reintroduced or expanded mandatory military service as part of policies aimed at strengthening their defenses.

Robert Hamilton, director of Eurasian studies at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, who served as a U.S. Army officer for 30 years said "We're coming to the realization that we may have to adjust how we mobilize for war, how we produce weapons, how we recruit and train new soldiers."

Retired General Wesley Clark, who served as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe, said the risk of a major war in Europe had increased as Russian President Vladimir Putin "finally resorted to open conflict in Ukraine" and pursued rebuilding the Soviet empire.

He said, "This is a very urgent wake-up call for NATO that they have to rebuild their defenses," noting that the rebuilding effort will include conscription.

Reinstating conscription highlighting new reality

After the end of the Cold War, many European countries abolished conscription, but in recent years some countries, especially Scandinavian and Baltic states, had reinstated conscription, mainly due to the Russian threat. In some countries, refusing to enlist could lead to fines or even imprisonment.

Norway unveiled an ambitious long-term plan in April, which called for nearly doubling the country's defense budget and adding more than 20,000 conscripted soldiers, employees and reservists to the armed forces.

Prime Minister Støre said, " New security environment requires fit-for-purpose defense."

Conscription was compulsory in Norway, and in 2015 it became the first NATO member state to conscript men and women on equal terms.

 "A major mental shift"

Conscription debates were also taking place in other European countries that did not currently require military service. The UK's Conservative Party had indicated it would introduce compulsory military service if it won the general election.

Perhaps the most surprising change was coming from Germany, which had shied away from militarization since the end of World War II. For the first time since the Cold War, Germany had updated its plans for a European conflict. Defence Minister Pistorius proposed a new volunteer army in June, saying "we need to be ready for war by 2029."

"The discussion is seen picking up steam, and that's the first step," said Sean Monahan, a visiting fellow in the Europe, Russia and Eurasia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "This is not something that happen overnight, it's a big mental shift."

Not everyone was ready to serve. For example, the president of the Lithuanian National Union of Students said there were mixed opinions about military service among students.

Since Lithuania reinstated compulsory military service in 2015 due to "changing geopolitical circumstances," about 3,500 to 4,000 Lithuanians aged 18 to 26 enlisted for nine months each year.

According to the former president, students had started an initiative to send supplies to Ukraine. "It's not necessarily through conscription, but the mindset of young people is changing towards more proactive."

Conscription remained an unpopular topic in some countries. Monahan said NATO was struggling to meet its new goal of mobilizing 300,000 men within one month and another 500,000 within six months.

A large strategic reserve model

A possible solution was a more mobile and modern military.

Finland, one of NATO's newest members, had the capacity to mobilize more than 900,000 reservists and 280,000 military personnel ready to respond at any time if needed. Meanwhile, the Finnish Defense Forces in peacetime employed only about 13,000 people, including civilian personnel.

Norway and Sweden, NATO's newest member, had adopted a similar model, and both maintain significant reserves, though not as large as Finland's.

Sweden, which had equal conscription for men and women like Norway, called up about 7,000 in 2014. According to the Swedish military, that number would be increased to 8,000 by 2025.

              So, as the Russian threat grows, several European countries have reintroduced or expanded mandatory military service as part of policies aimed at strengthening their defenses. Conscription debates are also taking place in other European countries that do not currently require military service. Obviously, in Europe, there is major mental shift in perceiving how safe the world is becoming. The world  peace we have been enjoying since late 1945 is fading as some “ambitious” politicians are trying to rewrite the world order that came into shape following the end of  WWII.

