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ノーベル医学生理学賞、スバンテ・ペーボ氏に ネアンデルタール人のゲノム解析
2022.10.03 Mon posted at 20:35 JST
ロンドン(CNN) スウェーデンのカロリンスカ研究所は3日、今年のノーベル医学生理学賞をスウェーデン人遺伝学者のスバンテ・ペーボ氏に授与すると発表した。「絶滅したヒト族のゲノムや人類の進化に関する発見」を授賞理由に挙げた。
London (CNN) Sweden's Karolinska Institute announced today that this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine would be awarded to Swedish geneticist Svante Pääbo. It cited "his discoveries of the relation of genomes of extinct hominins and the evolution of humans" as the reason for the award.
Pääbo first analyzed the Neanderthal genome and discovered that modern Homo sapiens interbred with Neanderthals. The Nobel Committee praised him for "having accomplished what seemed impossible" at the time.
The discovery was announced in 2010. By then, Pääbo had
developed a method for extracting, sequencing and analyzing ancient DNA from
Neanderthal bones. Because of these achievements scientists were able to
compare Neanderthal genomes with the genetic record of modern humans.
So, Pääbo
has developed a method that enables scientists to compare Neanderthal genomes
with the genetic record of modern humans. This tool will enable us to further
understand modern human’s evolution, well done.