2022年10月11日 星期二

All-electric passenger plane "Alice" successfully completes first flight – an 8-minute flight

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

全電動旅客機「アリス」、初飛行に成功 8分間飛行

2022.09.28 Wed posted at 12:45 JST

  ニューヨーク(CNN Business) イスラエルのエビエーション・エアクラフトが開発した世界初となる全電動旅客機「アリス」は27日、米ワシントン州のグラント郡国際空港で初飛行に成功した。


エビエーションのグレゴリー・デービス社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)はCNN Businessの取材に対し、「これは歴史だ」と喜びを語った。デービス氏は「我々は推進技術の変化について、ピストン機関からタービン機関に移って以来目撃していなかった。今回のように全く新しい科学技術が結集したのを目撃したのは1950年代が最後だった」と述べた。





  New York (CNN Business) The world's first all-electric airliner, Alice, developed by Israeli Aviation Aircraft, made its maiden flight at Washington's Grant County International Airport on the 27th.

Alice flew for eight minutes and reached an altitude of 3,500 feet (about 1,000 meters).

Eviation President and CEO Gregory Davis spoke of joy when responding to CNN Business’ interview to say that "This is history". He said that “regarding changes in technology, we haven't seen it since moving from a piston engine to a turbine engine, the 1950s was the last time we witnessed such a convergence of completely new technologies."

The technology used in the battery was similar to that of electric vehicles (EVs) and mobile phones, and the charging time would be 30 minutes. The nine-passenger Alice could fly for an hour and had a flight distance of about 814 kilometers. The maximum cruising speed would be about 463 km/h. The cruising speed of the Boeing 737 was about 946 km/h.

Eviation was founded in 2015 and had been developing Alice. Based on the information collected during this flight, the next step would be considered. The company aimed to deliver the plane to customers by 2027, but plans were subject to change.

The aircraft would be developed towards getting certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) by 2025; it could be tested for one to two years and after that to be delivered to customers.

So, the world's first all-electric airliner Alice that is developed by Israeli Aviation Aircraft has finished its maiden flight. As an electric plane it is friendly to the environment.

