2022年10月3日 星期一

Keio University announces: Succeeded in creating a "miniature brain" that reproduces the state of dementia

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

認知症の状態再現した「ミニチュア脳」作製に成功 慶応大発表

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A group at Keio University announced that it had succeeded in creating a three-dimensional miniature brain that reproduced the state of dementia by culturing iPS cells made from the skin of Alzheimer's disease patients. It was expected to be useful for research on the mechanisms that caused dementia and for the development of therapeutic drugs.

The research was conducted by Professor Hideyuki Okano's group at Keio University and published in the international scientific journal Cell Reports Methods.

The group cultured iPS cells made from the skin of patients with Alzheimer's disease in a state where the concentration of the protein "growth factor" contained in the culture medium was reduced.

As a result, brain nerve cells were formed efficiently, and three-dimensional cell clusters called "organoids" with a size of 2 to 3 mm were formed.

In this "organoid", an abnormal protein "amyloid β (beta)" that accumulated in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients was confirmed 120 days after culturing. By inserting a gene that produced a protein called “Tau”, they were able to reproduce the same state in which “Tau” accumulated in the patient's brain.

The group said that a miniature brain that reproduced part of the pathology had been created, and that it would be useful for research on the mechanism of dementia and development of therapeutic drugs.

Professor Okano said, "Research on mice could not fully reproduce the human pathology. This time, we were able to reproduce the pathology of dementia patients, and I think it will lead to the development of treatment methods."

              So, Japanese scientists are able to reproduce the pathology of dementia patients, and it will lead to the development of treatment methods. This is good news for dementia patients.

