2022年8月31日 星期三

UK for the First Time in the World to Approve Bivalent Vaccine for Omicron Strain

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2022.08.16 Tue posted at 11:40 JST

  (CNN) 新型コロナウイルスの従来株とオミクロン株に対応する「2価ワクチン」が、世界で初めて英国で承認された。英政府が15日に発表した。








  (CNN) The world's first 'bivalent vaccine' against the conventional and Omicron strains of the new coronavirus had been approved in the UK. The UK government announced this on the 15th.

The approved booster vaccine was made by Moderna. The UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had reviewed the data and determined that it had met the criteria for safety, quality and efficacy.

As a result of clinical trials, Moderna reported that booster vaccination against Omicron had strengthened the immune response and was also effective against mutant strains "BA.4" and "BA.5."

According to the MHRA it was said that side effects were similar to those seen with Moderna vaccines that were generally mild and would disappear on their own. The government said it "did not find any serious safety concerns".

MHRA Chief Executive Raine said the bivalent vaccine would be a "sharpened tool" to protect the public as the virus continued to mutate.

The timing of vaccination and the target population were not clear. The government's advisory body, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI), would give advice on the vaccination order.

The US Pfizer Inc. and Germany BioNtech Inc. also conducted clinical trials of booster vaccines against the Omicron strain in June, and an immune response that was stronger than current vaccines was reported in early results.

So, the world's first 'bivalent vaccine' by Moderna  has been approved in the UK. As the US Pfizer Inc. and Germany BioNtech Inc. are also conducting clinical trials of booster vaccines, it seems that more options on Covid-19 vaccination will be available soon. Meanwhile Japanese will received 'bivalent vaccine' around October this year.

2022年8月29日 星期一

俄羅斯 - 計劃單獨力地行動, 推出新太空站模型

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Russia, planning to go it alone, unveils model of new space station

Mon, August 15, 2022 at 6:52 AM

(Reuters) - Russia's space agency on Monday unveiled for the first time a physical model of what a planned new Russian-built space station will look like, suggesting Moscow is serious about abandoning the International Space Station (ISS) and going it alone.

Russia, in the throes of what some Kremlin hardliners believe is an historic rupture with the West sparked by sanctions imposed over what Moscow calls its "special military operation" in Ukraine, is rushing to reduce its dependency on Western nations and forge ahead on its own or cooperate with countries like China and Iran.

The West, which has accused Russia of prosecuting an unprovoked imperial-style war of aggression against Ukraine, has hit the Russian economy with sanctions designed to starve Moscow of technology, know-how and funds.

Russia's national space agency Roskosmos presented a model of the planned space station, dubbed "ROSS" by Russian state media, on Monday at "Army-2022", a military-industrial exhibition outside Moscow.

Yuri Borisov, whom President Vladimir Putin appointed last month to head Roskosmos, has said Russia will quit the ISS after 2024 and is working to develop its own orbital station.

Launched in 1998, the ISS has been continuously occupied since November 2000 under a U.S.-Russian-led partnership that also includes Canada, Japan and 11 European countries.

NASA, which is keen to keep the ISS operating until 2030, says it has not yet received official confirmation of Russia's planned withdrawal and had previously understood that Moscow would continue to participate until 2028.

Roskosmos said in a statement that the new space station would be launched in two phases, without giving dates.

The first phase would see a four-module space station start operating. That would later be followed by a further two modules and a service platform, it said. That would be enough, when completed, to accommodate up to four cosmonauts as well as scientific equipment.

Roskosmos has said the new station would afford Russian cosmonauts a much wider view of the Earth for monitoring purposes than they enjoy in their current segment.

Although designs for some of the new station already exist, design work is still underway on other segments.

Russian state media have suggested that the launch of the first stage is planned for 2025-26 and no later than 2030. Launch of the second and final stage is planned for 2030-35, they have reported.

The space station, as currently conceived, would not have a permanent human presence but would be staffed twice a year for extended periods.

Dmitry Rogozin, the previous head of Roskosmos and a hardliner known for his tough statements against the West, has suggested that the new space station could fulfil a military purpose if necessary.

(Writing by Andrew Osborn; Editing by Susan Fenton)


(路透社) - 俄羅斯航天局週一首次公佈了計劃中由俄羅斯建造的新太空站的外形,這表明莫斯科認真考慮放棄國際空間站(ISS)並獨力地行動。



週一,俄羅斯國家航天局 Roskosmos 在莫斯科郊外的軍工展覽 “Army-2022” 上展示了計劃中的太空站模型,模型被俄羅斯官方媒體稱為“ROSS”

上月被俄羅斯總統普京任命領導俄羅斯聯邦航天局的 Yuri Borisov 表示俄羅斯將在 2024 年之後退出國際太空站,並正在努力開發自己的軌道太空站。

國際太空站於 1998 啟動,自 2000 11 月以來一直基於由美國和俄羅斯領導的伙伴關係下被使用,使用者還包括加拿大、日本和 11 個歐洲國家。

熱衷於讓國際太空站運行到 2030 年的美國國家航空航天局表示,尚未收到俄羅斯計劃退出的官方確認,並且在此之前了解莫斯科將繼續參與到 2028 年。



Roskosmos 表示,新站將為俄羅斯宇航員提供比他們目前所享受的更廣闊的地球視野,以進行監測。


俄羅斯官方媒體暗示第一階段的發射計劃在 2025-26 年且不遲於 2030 年進行。據他們報導,第二階段和最後階段的發射計劃在 2030-35 年進行。


Roskosmos 的前任負責人、以對西方發表強硬聲明而聞名的強硬派 Dmitry Rogozin 表示,如果有必要,新空間站可以實現軍事目的。

So, Russia's space agency unveils a planned new Russian-built space station, suggesting that Moscow is serious about abandoning the International Space Station (ISS) and going on with a new space project on its alone. This is beyond my expectation. I was expecting that Russia would do it jointly with China.

2022年8月27日 星期六


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following

Hong Kong Bans Film Over One-Second Scene Showing 2014 Protest

Hayley Wong

Thu, August 11, 2022 at 9:53 PM

(Bloomberg) -- Hong Kong censors have banned an award-winning animation from being shown over a one-second scene depicting the 2014 pro-democracy protests, local media reported, in the latest sign of free speech curbs in the finance hub.

“Losing Sight of a Longed Place,” an eight-minute film about a young gay man’s struggles in Hong Kong, was scheduled to screen Sunday at a local film show organized by the Ground Up Film Society.

The filmmakers said in a Facebook post Wednesday the movie was pulled from the line-up after they refused to submit an edited version, without specifying which scene censors asked them to remove. The film in its entirety was rejected by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration, they said.

Local media including the South China Morning Post reported the filmmakers were asked to remove a scene showing 2014’s “illegal occupation,” citing a phrase the government uses to describe the Umbrella Movement, when thousands of peaceful protesters occupied part of the city’s central business district to demand broader voting rights.

The Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration declined to comment on the case.

Produced by three university students and released in 2017, the animation was previously endorsed in a government statement that trumpeted its release at an Amsterdam film festival as part of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office’s push to promote the city’s film culture abroad.

Hong Kong has since cracked down on free speech in the wake of 2019’s mass anti-government unrest. Last year, authorities passed a film censorship law banning content that runs contrary to the interests of a Beijing-drafted national security law, with penalties as high as three years in prison for those who screen non-approved content.

Since the security law passed in June 2020, the city legislature has also adopted an anti-doxxing law, moved to limit information available in the companies registry, and led a pressure campaign against several major pro-democracy news outlets, resulting in their closure.


(彭博社)- 據當地媒體報導,香港審查機構已禁止一獲獎動畫, 因其播放一秒描述 2014 年民主抗議活動的場景,這是金融中心言論自由限制的最新跡象。


電影製作人周三在 Facebook 上發帖稱,在他們拒絕提交剪輯版後,這部電影被從輪候中撤下,但沒有具體說明哪些場景審查員要求他們刪除。他們說,這部電影已被電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處整體上拒絕。

包括《南華早報》在內的當地媒體報導稱,電影製作人被要求刪除一個顯示 2014 非法佔領的場景,政府用非法佔領” 一詞來描述雨傘運動,當時成千上萬的和平抗議者佔領了該市中央商業區的一部分,要求更廣泛的投票權。


這部動畫由三名大學生製作並於 2017 年上映,此前曾在一份政府聲明中得到認可,該聲明大肆宣揚其在阿姆斯特丹電影節上的上映,作為香港經濟貿易辦事處推動在國外推廣該市電影文化的一部分。

2019 年大規模反政府騷亂之後,香港開始嚴厲打擊言論自由。去年,當局通過了一項電影查法,禁止有違反由北京起草的國家安全法權利的內容,對放映未經批准的內容的人處以最高三年的監禁。

2020 6 月通過安全法以來,該市立法機關還通過了一項反信息搜索法,限制公司註冊信息中的可用信息,並領導一個針對幾家主要的民主新聞媒體的施壓運動,導致它們關閉。

              So, now there is zero-tolerance policy for anti-government voice in Hong Kong, be it in film or in the mass media. The government is trying to wash away the memories of anti-government protests that happened in 2019.

2022年8月25日 星期四

Arctic warming four times faster than the rest of the world - new study reveals

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

北極圏の温暖化ペース、世界の他地域の4倍 新たな研究で判明

2022.08.12 Fri posted at 14:55 JST

 (CNN) 北極圏の温暖化は、過去数十年に渡り世界の他の地域よりもはるかに速いペースで進行していることが明らかになった。新たな研究をもとに研究者らが警鐘を鳴らしている。









(CNN) The Arctic had been warming at a much faster pace than the rest of the world over the past few decades, a study found. Researchers are sounding the alarm bells based on a new study.

This phenomenon, called Arctic warming amplification, was caused by greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels. Temperatures around the Arctic had increased four times faster than elsewhere in recent decades. Researchers from the Meteorological Institute of Finland said in a research paper published in an academic journal on the 11th.

Furthermore, about the climate models that scientists used to predict the long-term climate, the inability to respond to global warming at such a rapid rate had also emerged as a problem. The lead author of the paper Mika Rantanen told this to CNN.

If the model could not represent the current situation, it would be difficult for scientists to make reliable long-term forecasts. Rantanen said the current model needed to be modified and updated.

The study this time analyzed temperature trends in the Arctic from 1979 to 2021. As a result, it was found that the rate of warming was particularly high on the Eurasian continent side. The Barents Sea had warmed up seven times faster than the global average.

Recent data show that annual average temperatures across the Barents Sea had increased by up to 2.7°C per decade over the past 20-40 years. This meant the region was warming at the fastest pace in the world.

Last year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) noted in its annual report on the Arctic the region's rapid warming and ice loss. It pointed out that the previously frozen areas had changed, and that the ground surface appeared and plants grew in more areas compared to about 10 years ago.

White sea ice reflected the sun's energy back into space, but when it melts, the dark ocean absorbed the heat.

              So, the Arctic has been warming at a much faster pace than the rest of the world over the past few decades. It is also found that the rate of warming is particularly high on the Eurasian continent side. I am wondering whether human is doing enough to stop global warming.

2022年8月23日 星期二

Vaccination for Omicron strain to start after mid-October - Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (2/2)

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

オミクロン株対応のワクチン接種 10月中旬以降に開始へ 厚労省 (2/2)

202288 2232







新型コロナウイルスのオミクロン株に対応したワクチンの接種について、ワクチンに詳しい北里大学の中山哲夫 特任教授は「オミクロン株は変異している部分が多く、ウイルスの特徴がかなり変わってきている。いま使われているワクチンはオミクロン株には対応しきれない面があり、オミクロン株対応のワクチンは必要になってくると思う」と述べました。




511歳へのコロナワクチン接種 「努力義務」化を了承











How long apart can you get vaccination?

It was not clear at this time how long the Omicron strain-specific vaccine should be separated from the previous vaccination.

For this reason, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare showed a simulation at the subcommittee on the 8th, saying that attention should be paid to the interval from the previous vaccination.

Assuming that the interval between vaccinations for Omicron strains is "5 months" based on overseas clinical trial data, the situation was that people aged 60 and over had the fourth vaccination peak last month, it was thus said that after December this year it could be a period when many people would vaccinate against the Omicron strain.

Expert: “Vaccine for Omicron strain is necessary"

Regarding vaccination against the Omicron strain of the new coronavirus, specially appointed Professor Tetsuo Nakayama of Kitasato University, who was familiar with vaccines said, "Many parts of the Omicron strain have mutated, and the characteristics of the virus have changed considerably. As the vaccines currently available are not fully compatible with the Omicron strain, I think that a vaccine compatible with the Omicron strain will become necessary.”

On the other hand, when asked whether one should receive the conventional new coronavirus vaccine now, Project Professor Nakayama stressed that ``Currently, the situation is that the infection is spreading to such an extent, and that the seriously ill is increasing, so for those who have not yet completed the third vaccination, my hope is that they should consider getting a vaccine that is now available instead of waiting for a strain-specific vaccine."

The vaccine which the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare had decided to start vaccination this time would be the "bivalent vaccine" corresponding to both the "BA.1" Omicron strain that was widely spreading early this year and the conventional coronavirus.

Regarding this, Professor Nakayama said, " While vaccines that are closer to the mutated virus that is now spreading can induce a higher immune response to the current mutated virus, we have the memory of immunity obtained from the conventional strain vaccine. In order to make use of that memory, it makes more sense to inoculate a vaccine that combines the conventional strain and the Omicron strain. In addition, a vaccine that corresponds to "BA.5", which is currently spreading around the world is also under development, but it will take several months to complete. Instead of waiting for it, it is better to inoculate the upcoming vaccine."

Acknowledge the “obligation to make efforts” for corona vaccination for 5 to 11 years old

In addition, at a subcommittee made up of experts from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare held on the 8th, a discussion was held regarding inoculation of children aged 5 to 11 with the coronavirus vaccine. A policy was decided to make it an “obligation to make efforts” for parents to make efforts to receive vaccination.

"Obligation to make efforts" was a provision of the Preventive Vaccination Law that one must make efforts to receive vaccinations.

It was applicable to many routine vaccinations such as rubella, but after all it was up to the individual to decide whether or not to receive it.

There was no legal force or penalties.

Regarding vaccination for children aged 5 to 11, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare called for vaccination in February this year, but as the effectiveness against the Omicron strain was not clear, so for that time, it had decided that it was not an "obligation to make efforts".

However, at the subcommittee meeting on the 8th, as data on the effects and safety of Omicron strains had been collected, to make it an "obligation to make efforts" was agreed.

In response to this, experts expressed opinions such as that the "Information should be provided in an easy-to-understand manner so that it would not to be misunderstood as compulsory."

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare wanted to proceed with the procedure to revise the ordinance in the future.

So, in order to prevent the elderly from becoming seriously ill and to increase the immunity of society as a whole including the younger generation, Japan has decided to start vaccination from mid-October onwards for all people who have completed the first two doses of vaccination. Japan will import a new vaccine the “Bivalent vaccine” that combines two types of components, one derived from the conventional strain and one from the Omicron strain “BA.1”.

2022年8月22日 星期一

Vaccination for Omicron strain to start after mid-October - Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (1/2)

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

オミクロン株対応のワクチン接種 10月中旬以降に開始へ 厚労省 (1/2)

202288 2232

















(to be continued)


The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has decided to start vaccination for the Omicron strain of the new coronavirus after mid-October for all people who had completed the second vaccination.

On the 8th, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare held a subcommittee made up of experts to discuss vaccinations for the Omicron strain, which was currently prevalent in Japan.

As a result, in order to prevent the elderly from becoming seriously ill and to increase the immunity of society as a whole including the younger generation, it was decided to start vaccination from mid-October onwards for all people who have completed the first two doses of vaccination.

The new vaccine was called a “Bivalent vaccine” that combined two types of components, one derived from the conventional strain and one of the Omicron strains “BA.1”.

It was expected that even towards the "BA.5", it would increase the level of neutralizing antibody that suppressed the activity of virus which was currently prevalent in Japan.

What was expected to be used would be a vaccine under development by Pfizer and Moderna, and if the drug approval was given, it was expected to be imported next month to start delivery to local governments.

However, since it was not clear for how long the injection interval from the previous vaccination would be open, experts said at the subcommittee that there was a growing concern that people could refrain from vaccination until October in order to get a vaccine that corresponded to the Omicron strain and that 'In order to prevent serious illness, those who are eligible but have not been vaccinated should promptly receive the fourth vaccination.'

In addition, the subcommittee discussed whether to expand the scope of the 4th vaccination which was now being promoted for people aged 60 and over; while at this stage it would not be expanded, this would continue to be reviewed.

What was the Vaccine for Omicron Strain?

According to WHO = the World Health Organization, conventional vaccines were highly effective in preventing the severity of all new coronaviruses, even including the Omicron strain.

However, conventional vaccines were less effective in preventing infection and symptom appearance caused by Omicron strains than by conventional strains, and the effectiveness weakened as time passed, so Pfizer and Moderna etc. were in the process of developing vaccines for Omicron strains.

Pfizer and Moderna were, in dealing with Omicron strains with vaccine, developing a bivalent vaccine containing conventional strains and Omicron strains, and it was said that Japan this time had decided to introduce the "BA.1 compatible type".

According to the results of a clinical trial presented by Pfizer to the US FDA = Food and Drug Administration in June this year, when the ``BA.1 compatible type” were vaccinated for the fourth time on those aged over 56, compared to those who vaccinated the traditional for the fourth time, the value of the neutralizing antibody that suppressed the virus activity of the Omicron strain derivative "BA.1" increased by an average of 1.56 to 1.97 times. It was reported that in dealing with the currently prevalent "BA.5”, although it was less good in dealing with BA.1, an increase in neutralizing antibody levels could be observed.

Moderna also reported that, the neutralizing antibody in the "BA.1 compatible" bivalent vaccine, when compared to the conventional vaccine, showed an average increase of 1.75 times value in this "BA.1" comparation.

Overseas, the FDA = Food and Drug Administration had recommended manufacturers and distributors to develop a bivalent vaccine of "BA.4/5 compatible type" that mixed with the components of the currently prevalent Omicron strain derivative "BA.5". Yet the EMA (European Medicines Agency) did not consider that there was a large difference in the effect from the derivative type of the Omicron strain used in the bivalent vaccine, and had not done any screening at this time.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare expected that the import of the "BA.4/5 compatible" bivalent vaccine would be later than September, so it chose the "BA.1 compatible" vaccine that could be used quickly

(to be continued)

2022年8月20日 星期六

US Yale University succeeded in restoring cell function in dead pigs: hopes for organ preservation for transplant - Shakes the concept of death

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

死んだブタの細胞機能回復に成功、移植用の臓器保存に期待 死の概念揺るがす 米イエール大

2022.08.05 Fri posted at 16:15 JST

(CNN) 米イエール大学の研究チームは、死んでから1時間たったブタの血液循環などの細胞機能を回復させることに成功したと発表した。この研究は、細胞がこれまで考えられていたほど早くは死なないことを示唆しており、いずれ人に応用できれば、臓器の保存時間を伸ばして臓器移植を増やせる可能性があると期待されている。

















(CNN) Researchers at Yale University successfully restored cellular functions such as blood circulation in pigs that had died for an hour. The study suggested that cells didn’t die as quickly as previously thought, and it was hoped that one day it could be applied to humans to extend organ storage time and increase organ transplantation.

The researchers developed a system called OrganEx to restore oxygen circulation in dead pigs, preserving cells and some organs after cardiac arrest.

Yale University professor Nenad Sestan who led the study stated that ``The cells that were supposed to stop functioning has worked for hours''; and said "This means cell death can be halted. Its function has been restored in multiple organs, even an hour after death."

The results of this research were published in the scientific journal Nature on the 3rd.

OrganEx's system mixed a fluid called perfusate with blood and pumped it into the dead pig's blood vessels. Perfusate contained compounds such as proteins and hemoglobin, as well as components that protected cells and prevented thrombosis. After 6 hours of treatment with OrganEx, the research team found that key cells were functioning in multiple sites, including the heart, liver, and kidney. The function of some organs was also restored.

The study built on an experiment the same team conducted in 2019, in that time using a similar experimental system, BrainEx, to pump artificial blood into pig brains to prevent loss of vital neurological function.

Experiments were still in their very early stages, but if they could eventually be applied to humans, they could extend the time allowed between removing and transplanting an organ.

Currently, organ supplies were extremely limited, and millions of people worldwide were waiting for transplants.

Co-author Stephen Latham, director of the Center for Bioethics at Yale University, said, " Thanks to perfusion techniques organs removed from dead donors, after being transported over long distances or long periods of time, were able to be given to recipients in need."

But the researchers insisted they never revived the pigs and stressed that more research was needed to determine if the organs could be used for transplants.

In an article accompanying the paper, Robert Porte of the University Medical Center of Groningen in the Netherlands said the research could lead to new treatments for heart attack and stroke patients.

About that possibility, Latham said "I think it's a long way ahead", saying that in the short term it would be more promising to store organs for transplant.

More than 100 pigs were used in the study and heart attacks were induced under anesthesia.

The study might also help us better understand the dying process.

"A few minutes after the heart stops beating, a lack of blood flow in local area triggers a chain of biochemical reactions that stop the oxygen and nutrients that the cells need to survive. In this way cell destruction begins."

Professor Sestan said to explain that "Our research shows that the progression of cells towards permanent collective dysfunction does not occur so rapidly that it cannot be avoided, and that is reversible".

 So, a research done at Yale University suggests that cells don't die as quickly as previously thought, and it's hoped that one day it could be applied to humans to extend organ storage time and increase organ transplantation. This is good news for everyone.

2022年8月18日 星期四

China - Lockdown in Macau lifted, casinos resume operations

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

マカオのロックダウン解除、カジノも営業再開 中国

2022.08.02 Tue posted at 11:42 JST

(CNN) 中国南部のギャンブルのメッカ、マカオで1カ月以上続いていた新型コロナウイルス対策のロックダウン(都市封鎖)が解除され、2日から飲食店や娯楽施設などが営業を再開する。









(CNN) Macau, the Mecca of gambling in southern China, had lifted its lockdown (city closure) against the new coronavirus that had lasted for more than a month; restaurants and entertainment facilities would resume operations from the 2nd.

According to the authorities, after there were no reports of community-acquired infections for nine days in a row, it took action to lift it.

From the 2nd, most facilities would require a negative proof of a new coronavirus test taken within 72 hours before entering.

According to the Macau Municipal Health Department, while the city was strictly adhering to the Chinese government's "zero coronavirus" policy, more than 90% of residents had completed their vaccination against the new coronavirus

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, many shops and offices were closed from mid-June, and casinos were forced to suspend operations from July 11 for the first time in more than two years. The casino resumed operations on the 23rd of the same month and allowed operation with a limit on the number of people.

Gambling had been a lifeline for Macau, which relied on revenue from mainland China tourists, and lockdowns continued to threaten the economy.

Health officials announced on July 31 that 1,821 cases had been reported in Macau since the outbreak began on June 18. It was the highest number ever for the city.

Currently, only residents of Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China were allowed to visit Macau. Except for low-risk areas in mainland China, most visitors were required to quarantine for 10 days upon arrival.

              So, Macau has practiced a zero-tolerance policy in dealing with Covid-19. I am interested in knowing that how long it will take for a new Covid-19 case to occur again in Macau.

2022年8月16日 星期二


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

For America's next generation of China experts, the challenges go beyond language and country access (2/2)


Mon, August 1, 2022 at 2:30 AM


Victor Shih, a China scholar at the University of California San Diego, said reduced economic opportunities, combined with China's zero-Covid approach, have put foreigners off China who might otherwise be interested in the country.

"China was [once] seen as a kind of land of opportunity for young foreigners. That is no longer the case," said Shih, who regularly visited the mainland for decades until the pandemic. He described the "golden period" for aspiring China experts as spanning the 1990s to 2017-2018 when foreign nationals with "some Chinese skills" and China knowledge had ample job opportunities in Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China.

Shih echoed the view that Beijing's restrictive entry policies during the pandemic have made China a less attractive place to be. Indeed, a three-month mass lockdown in Shanghai from April 1 to June 1 prompted many foreigners to flee the commercial hub.

But Mary Gallagher, director of the Centre for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan, believes Beijing's firmer hand in recent years has contributed more to plummeting interest in China studies than pandemic limitations.

"We are starting to see students make a choice," explained Gallagher, saying students think "maybe I will not be a China scholar because I just can't take risks right now". She said students reason that either China won't "open up in the next couple of years" or that their topic of interest "is too politically sensitive", leading them to conclude they need to pursue another field. It is "very risky for students to focus solely on China right now", she added.

As a result, academics are now more likely to rely heavily on open data and the internet to conduct research on China, Gallagher said. This scenario presents additional concerns, as government data is not completely "reliable or representative" and a scarcity of qualitative survey opportunities hinders insight, she said.

Deborah Seligsohn of Villanova University, who served as a science counsellor at the US embassy in Beijing from 2003 to 2007, said Washington also shared some of the blame. Seligsohn said that as security clearances were harder to come by during the Trump administration more people working in China research became more careful about how their ties to the country might be perceived.

For the State Department to enhance China expertise, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken should think about "hiring standards and making sure that security is not simply operating on assumptions but is actually doing the real work of determining what's a risk and what's not", Seligsohn said.

Public attention has increasingly turned to how China might be endangering US national security, illustrated by the Justice Department's recently ended China Initiative meant to crack down on leaks of technological and other sensitive information for Beijing's benefit. Under the Trump-era programme, some prominent American professors faced charges for misreporting or covering up connections to Chinese funds.

Meanwhile, in the private sector, Isaac Stone Fish, founder of the China-focused research firm Strategy Risks, said he observed younger Americans having very different experiences with China compared to previous generations who knew a relatively open country in the 2000s and early 2010s.

Stone Fish, a former journalist who was based in China for seven years, described the older generation of experts who lived in the country as having "built relationships with people outside [Chinese Communist Party-] controlled channels of people-to-people exchanges".

 "Many in the next generation of young American experts are more sceptical of the Chinese Communist Party, of engagement, and of friends of China, like Henry Kissinger," he said.

Beyrer, the China expert-in-waiting, espouses this perspective. The University of Pennsylvania graduate said he did not think first-hand living experience in China was a prerequisite to claiming expertise in the country if one's language skills were strong.

Still, Beyrer acknowledged that how he views China shifts when he is based in the US.

"In China, you really have the opportunity to meet people, learn about their daily lives and the way politics and the government influence an average person," Beyrer said. "In the US, things are a little more politics- and international relations-centric."

Beyrer noted he would keep waiting to enter the mainland, despite many in his academic programme leaving China studies altogether. In the meantime, he bides his time working as a China analyst at a strategy and business advisory firm in Washington.

"When I'm in the United States, my attention turns more towards sensitive and complicated topics," he said. "In China, there's more of an opportunity to focus on cooperation and development when you're learning."



加州大學聖地亞哥分校的中國專題學者 Victor Shih 表示,經濟機會減少,再加上中國的零新冠疫情政策,讓原本可能對中國感興趣的外國人遠離中國。

幾十年來一直定期訪問大陸直到大流行發生為止的 Shih : 中國 [曾經] 被視為年輕外國人的一塊機會之地。現在情況已不再如此 。他將有抱負的中國專家的黃金時期 描述為跨越 1990 年代至 2017-2018 年,當時具有 一些中國技能和中國知識的外國人在香港、澳門和中國大陸擁有大量工作機會。

Shih 贊同的一個觀點同是,北京在大流行期間的限制性入境政策使中國成為不那麼有吸引力的地方。事實上,從 4 1 日到 6 1 日,上海為期三個月的大規模封鎖促使許多外國人逃離這個商業中心。

但密歇根大學中國研究中心主任 Mary Gallagher認為,北京近年來的格控制,更大程度導致對中國研究的興趣驟降,而不是由於流行病上的限制。

Gallagher 解釋: 我們開始看到學生做出選擇 ,說學生們認也許我不會成為一名中國學者,因為我現在不能冒險 。她說,學生們的理由要么是中國不會在未來幾年內開放 ,要么是他們感興趣的話題 在政治上過於敏感 ,導致他們得出結論,他們需要探求另一個學術領域。她補充說,學生現在只單一地專門於中國研究是非常危險的

Gallagher, 因此學術界現在更有可能重點地依賴開放數據和互聯網來對中國進行研究說,這種情況帶來了額外的擔憂,因為政府數據並不完全 可靠或具有代表性,而且成分識別調查機會不足夠, 會阻礙觀察的進行。

維拉諾瓦大學的Deborah Seligsohn 曾於 2003 年至 2007 年在美國駐北京大使館擔任科學顧問,她說華盛頓也負有部分責任。 Seligsohn 說,由於在特朗普政府期間更難獲得安全審,更多從事中國研究工作的人更加謹慎外界如何看待他們與中國的連係。

Seligsohn, 為了讓國務院加強對中國的專業知識,美國國務卿布林肯應該考慮 聘用標準並確保安全不僅僅是在假設上運作,而是實際上做出確定什麼是風險和什麼不是風險的真正工作

公眾的注意力越來越多地轉向中國可能如何危及美國國家安全,司法部最近結束的中國倡議就是例證,該倡議旨在打擊可令北京謀取利益的技術, 和其他敏感信息的洩露。在特朗普時代的計劃下,一些著名的美國教授因誤報或掩蓋與中國基金的聯繫而面臨指控。

與此同時,在私營部門,專注於中國的研究公司 Strategy Risks 的創始人 Isaac Stone Fish 表示,他觀察到年輕的美國人對中國的體驗, 與在 2000 年代和 2010 年代初了解一個相對開放的中國的前幾代人相比,截然不同。

在中國工作了 7 年的前記者 Stone Fish 把居住在中國老一輩專家描述為 [中國共產黨-] 控制之外的渠道建立了人與人交流關係” .

說:美國下一代年輕專家中的許多人, 對於中國共產黨、對於交往, 以及對像基辛格這樣的中國朋友更加持懷疑態度。


 儘管如此,Beyrer 承認,當他以美國為依據,他對中國的看法發生了變化。

Beyrer在中國,你真的有機會結識人們,了解他們的日常生活, 以及政治和政府對普通人的影響;在美國,事情更加以政治和國際關係為中心。


: 當我在美國時,我的注意力更多地轉向敏感和復雜的話題; “在中國,當你學習的時候,有更多的機會專注於合作和發展。

              So, the current situation does not help young Americans to become Chinese experts because of China’s policy. When talking about Chinese experts, I think those ethnic Chinese scholars now teaching in the universities in the US are already experts on China. Probably they know more about the way of thinking among Chinses leaders.

2022年8月15日 星期一

對於美國的下一代中國問題專家來說,挑戰不僅僅是語言及國家接觸 (1/2)

Recently Yahoo New on-line reported the following:

For America's next generation of China experts, the challenges go beyond language and country access (1/2)


Mon, August 1, 2022 at 2:30 AM

As an Ivy-league graduate in China studies, 22-year-old Patrick Beyrer ticks all the right boxes to launch a career focused on the country - language skills, prior experience on the mainland, and above all, zeal.

Finding someone like Beyrer is no small feat. Fewer foreigners these days want to pursue China studies, despite expertise in the country arguably more needed than ever. But Beyrer faces a more prosaic challenge: he cannot enter China.

"It has become a challenge to understand China without the prism of face-to-face interactions," said Beyrer, an American who visited the country in 2016 and 2019, each time for weeks-long programmes through the US State Department.

Having studied Mandarin in the US since middle school, Beyrer was looking to deepen his expertise in China studies through a master's programme he enrolled in last year at a top university in Beijing.

Patrick Beyrer, a University of Pennsylvania graduate, last visited China in 2019 for language studies. He hopes to re-enter the country as part of a master's programme

However, just months away from the start of a new academic year, Beyrer has low expectations that he will be allowed in. China has yet to announce whether it will resume visa approvals for international students since suspending standard processing three years ago due to the coronavirus pandemic.

"I think if China doesn't open soon, there is a huge risk that there's going to be ... five or maybe even 10 years of young Americans who'd just develop a really negative opinion of China," Beyrer said. "This is not good."

Only 2,481 American citizens went to China for studies in the 2019-2020 academic year, according to data released in October by the US-based Institute for International Education. This represented a 78.7 per cent drop from the previous year, marking a 10-year low.

The Chinese embassy in Washington did not respond to a South China Morning Post inquiry about the number of student visas issued to US citizens since the coronavirus pandemic began.

While China's strict border policies during the pandemic have affected nearly all foreigners trying to enter the country, Americans have been especially hit hard as relations between Washington and Beijing remain tense.

The number of students from the US who studied in China ranged between 11,613 and 14,887 over the previous 10 academic years, according to the IIE.

Opportunities for Americans to develop expansive, in-depth experience by studying, working or living in China have helped seed the presence of "China hands" in the US government, private sector and academia. Some question whether such a cadre is or should be as influential as in years past, particularly following the administration of Donald Trump when many experts were considered too accommodating of Beijing. Yet Beijing's academics still consider US President Joe Biden's team of advisers on China to have a strong understanding of the country.

Regardless of their political bent, US policymakers across disciplines regard China as America's "most serious competitor" in the 21st century. Accordingly, the Biden administration has made clear it believes the ranks of China-focused experts in diplomacy, military and intelligence matters must grow.

However, Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asia Programme at the German Marshall Fund, said Beijing's current limited intake of international students could take a toll on how China analysts in the US are shaped.

"The lack of first-hand experience may lead to a diminished ability to understand and interpret China and its policies," Glaser said.

Other long-time China watchers have noted that Beijing's political clampdown, fewer job opportunities on the mainland and less leeway to enter as well as move about the country due to Covid-19 have all placed a strain on budding experts. But the situation affects young Americans especially because they have yet to build their networks and experience in China as their predecessors did.

(to be continued)


作為一名長春藤聯盟中的中國研究專業的畢業生,22 歲的Patrick Beyrer在所有合適的方格打勾,開始一份專注於中國的職業 - 合適的方格是語言技能、在大陸的先前經驗,最重要的是,一股熱情。

找到像 Beyrer 這樣的人絕非易事。儘管可以說比以往任何時候, 更需要有專業中國知識的人,如今想要從事中國研究的外國人越來越少。但Beyrer面臨著一個更常見的;的挑戰:他無法進入中國。

Beyrer : 沒有面對面互動的情況下了解中國已成為一項挑戰”; 他是曾在2016 年和 2019 年訪問該國的美國人,每次都通過美國國務院進行為期數週的日程。

Beyrer 從中學開始就在美國學習普通話,他希望通過去年在北京一所頂尖大學就讀的碩士課程來加深他在中國研究方面的專業知識。

賓夕法尼亞大學畢業生 Patrick Beyrer 最後一次訪問中國是在 2019 年進行語言學習。 他希望作為碩士課程的一部分重新進入該國

然而,距離新學年開始只有幾個月的時間,Beyrer 對他被允許入境的期望很低。自三年前因冠狀病毒大流行而暫停例行處理以來,中國尚未宣布是否會恢復對國際學生的簽證審批。

Beyrer: 我認為,如果中國不盡快開放,將會有一個巨大的風險......五年甚至十年的美國年輕人只會對中國產生非常負面的看法”; “這是不妙的情況。

根據總部位於美國的國際教育研究所10月份發布的數據,2019-2020學年只有2,481名美國公民赴華學習。這比上一年下降了 78.7%,創 10 年新低。



根據 IIE 的數據,在過去 10 個學年中,在中國學習的美國學生人數在 11,613 14,887 人之間。

美國人通過在中國學習、工作或生活獲得廣泛而深入的體驗的機會,有助於在美國政府、私營部門和學術界培育 中國通 。有人質疑這樣的被培訓者是否或應該像過去幾年那樣有影響力,特別是在特朗普政府之後,當時許多專家被認為過於遷就北京。然而,北京的學術界仍然認為美國總拜登的中國顧問團隊對中國有深刻的了解。

無論其政治傾向如何,美國跨學科的決策者都將中國視為美國在 21 世紀最重要的競爭對手 。因此,拜登政府已明確表示,它認為在外交、軍事和情報事務方面專注於中國的專家隊伍必須增加。

然而,德國馬歇爾基金會亞洲項目主任 Bonnie Glaser表示,北京目前有限的國際學生收生量可能會對美國的中國分析師的形成可能會造成損害。

Glaser : 缺乏第一手經驗可能會導致理解和解釋中國及其政策的能力下降

其他長期觀察中國的人士指出,由於 Covid-19,北京的政治鎮壓、大陸的就業機會減少、進入和在中國移動的餘地減少,都給嶄露頭角的專家帶來了壓力。但這種情況特影響了年輕的美國人,尤其是因為他們還沒有像其前輩那樣, 在中國建立自己的網絡和經驗。
