2021年12月3日 星期五


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Exclusive-Germany may have been naive on China at first, Merkel says

Wed., November 17, 2021, 4:33 a.m.

By Andreas Rinke

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany may at first have been naive in some areas of cooperation with China, but should not sever all connections in reaction to growing tensions, Chancellor Angela Merkel has told Reuters.

Merkel's strategy of engagement has seen China become Germany's top trading partner during her 16 years in office, and has shaped Europe's stance on Asia's rising superpower, even amid concerns about unfair competition and industrial espionage.

"Maybe initially we were rather too naïve in our approach to some cooperation partnerships," Merkel said in an interview. "These days we look more closely, and rightly so."

Merkel, who did not stand for re-election last September and will leave office once a new government is agreed, said Germany and more broadly the European Union should nonetheless continue to cooperate with China, and could learn from one another.

"Total decoupling wouldn’t be right in my view, it would be damaging for us," she said.

China became Germany's biggest trade partner in 2016 and its rapid economic expansion has fuelled German growth throughout her tenure. But some critics say Germany is now too reliant on China, and becoming too soft on Beijing on awkward issues such as human rights violations.

Merkel's government has said she always addresses human rights issues on her official visits to Beijing - of which there have been no fewer than 12 - and has sought to diversify trade in Asia.

Merkel said Germany was continuously in discussions with Beijing on intellectual property and patent protection, "both with regard to Chinese students in Germany and German enterprises operating in China".

She also said Western democracies that tried to formulate ethical standards for new technologies had to stay abreast of innovation in order to grasp their impact.

"At the moment, that is not the case in Europe in fields such as quantum computers and artificial intelligence," she said. "China and in many areas the U.S. are better."

But Merkel said the state must still protect its critical infrastructure, pointing to a new German IT security law https://www.reuters.com/article/germany-huawei-tech-idUSKBN28Q1ND that sets high hurdles for makers of equipment for next-generation telecommunications networks, such as China’s Huawei.

"However, I feel it is always important to stress that individual companies should not be excluded from the outset."

Merkel is now acting in a caretaker capacity pending the formation of a new coalition government, some of whose potential members advocate a tougher line on China.

"We need an open system in which everyone is assessed according to the same standards," she said.

(Reporting Andreas Rinke; Writing by Sarah Marsh; Editing by Kevin Liffey)


柏林(路透社)- 德國總理安格拉·默克爾(Angela Merkel)告訴路透社,德國一開始可能在與中國的某些合作領域很天真,但亦不應該為了應對日益緊張的局勢而切斷所有聯繫。

默克爾的對應策略讓中國在她執政 16 年期間成為德國最大的貿易夥伴,並塑造了歐洲對亞洲崛起的超級大國的立場,即使在擔心有會不公平競爭和工業間諜活動的情況。

默克爾在接受採訪時:“也許最初我們對某些合作夥伴關係的態度太天真了”; “如今我們會更仔細地觀察,這是理所當然的”

默克爾在對上 9 月沒有參加連任選舉,一旦新政府達成一致即將卸任。她表示,德國和更廣泛的歐盟應該繼續與中國合作,並可以相互學習。


中國 2016 年成為德國最大的貿易夥伴,中國快速的經濟擴張在她的任期推動了德國的增長。但一些批評人士表示,德國現在過於依賴中國,並且在侵犯人權等尬問題上對北京過於軟弱。

默克爾政府曾表示,她在對北京進行官式訪問時總是處理人權問題 - 其中不少於 12 - 並尋求在亞洲的貿易實現多元化。 

默克爾表示,德國一直在與北京就知識權和專利保護進行討論,“無論是關於在德國的中國學, 生還是在中國經營的德國企業”。



但默克爾表示,國家仍必須保護其關鍵基礎設施,並指出德國新的 IT 安全法 https://www.reuters.com/article/germany-huawei-t​​ech-idUSKBN28Q1ND 為下一代電信網絡設備製造商設置了一個障礙高欄 ,如中國的華為。

“但是,我覺得要鄭重地強調的是, 個別公司不應該從一開始就被排除在外”



So, in Germany, Merkel will leave office once a new government is agreed upon. It is interesting to know that in her opinion Germany and more broadly the European Union should continue to cooperate with China, as they could learn from one another. I think to continue to cooperate with China in some areas are important, for example in climate change.

