2021年12月22日 星期三


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

China says 85% of citizens will use Mandarin by 2025

Tue., November 30, 2021, 11:55 p.m.

BEIJING (AP) — China is launching an aggressive campaign to promote Mandarin, saying 85% of its citizens will use the national language by 2025.

The move appears to put threatened Chinese regional dialects such as Cantonese and Hokkien under even greater pressure, along with minority languages such as Tibetan, Mongolian and Uyghur.

The order issued Tuesday by the State Council, China’s Cabinet, said use of Mandarin, known in Chinese as “putonghua" or the “common tongue," remains “unbalanced and inadequate” and needs to be improved to meet the demands of the modern economy.

Critics have sporadically protested changes to the education system and employment requirements that have steadily eroded the role of minority languages, calling it a campaign to eradicate cultures that don’t conform with the dominant Han ethnic group.

Along with the 2025 goal, the policy aims to make Mandarin virtually universal by 2035, including in rural areas and among ethnic minorities.

The promotion of Mandarin over other languages has sparked occasional protests, including last year in the Inner Mongolia region when the Mongolian language was replaced by standard Mandarin as the language of instruction.

China's ruling Communist Party has denounced all such movements as a form of separatism and repressed them ruthlessly. It says language conformity is necessary for the sake of the economy and national unity.

The policy is backed up by legal requirements and the document issued Wednesday demanded strengthened supervision to “ensure that the national common spoken and written language is used as the official language of government agencies and used as the basic language of schools, news and publications, radio, film and television, public services and other fields."

It calls also on officials to “vigorously enhance the international status and influence of Chinese" in academia, international organizations and at global gatherings.

Government attempts to promote Mandarin through its worldwide network of Confucius Institutes have been controversial, with critics denouncing them as an attempt to promote the party's agenda and quash discussion of topics such its human rights record.


北京(美聯社)- 中國正在發起一場積極推廣普通話的運動,稱到 2025 年,85% 的公民將使用國語。

此舉似乎使受到威脅的中國地方方言例如語和福建話, 以及藏語、蒙古語和維吾爾語等少數民族語言面臨更大壓力。

在週二中國國務院, 即中國的,發布命令稱,使用用 ”, 亦叫 普通話通用語”,仍然“不平衡和不足”,需要改進以適應現代經濟的需求。


根隨着2025 年的目標,該政策旨在到 2035 年使普通話幾乎全面普及,包括在農村地區和少數民族中。



該政策法律要求去支撑,週三​​發布的文件要求加強監管,以“確保普通話在語言及文字成為政府機構的官方語;  並在學校、新聞及出版、電台廣播、影視、公共服務等領域作為基本語去使用”



              So, China is launching an aggressive campaign to promote Mandarin, saying that 85% of its citizens will use the national language by 2025. It also calls on officials to “vigorously enhance the international status and influence of Chinese" in academia, international organizations and at global gatherings. What an ambitious project it is.

