2021年10月1日 星期五

Mammoth revival project started - to genetically engineer elephants, 1.6 billion yen raised

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

マンモス復活プロジェクトが始動、ゾウを遺伝子操作 16億円の資金獲得

2021.09.14 Tue posted at 16:15 JST

 (CNN) 絶滅した生物の復活といえば、これまでSFの世界の出来事だった。映画「ジュラシック・パーク」の恐竜を復活させるという物語はその典型だった。




















 (CNN) The resurrection of extinct creatures had been an event in the science fiction world. The story of reviving the dinosaurs in the movie "Jurassic Park" was a typical example.

But with advances in genetics, the resurrection of lost animals was becoming a reality. Studies also succeeded in cloning endangered species, and sequencing DNA from bones and carcasses of already extinct animals.

A genetics research team led by Professor George Church of Harvard Medical School announced on the 13th that a project aimed at reviving a mammoth that was extinct 4000 years ago had secured an investment of 15 million dollars (about 1.65 billion yen). A future in which giant ice-age mammoths would be revived and inhabited in the natural environment was depicted.

Related people said the resurrection of the mammoth might help restore the Arctic Tundra ecosystem, fight the climate crisis, and protect the endangered Asian elephant that was closely related to the mammoth. However, this plan also had ethical issues.

The research team's goal was not to clone mammoths. It succeeded in extracting the DNA of mammoths that had been frozen in permafrost, but this DNA was severely fragmented and deteriorated, making it impossible to clone it. Therefore, it would aim to manipulate genes to create hybrids of elephants and mammoths that were indistinguishable from mammoths in appearance.

"We aim to have our first baby within four to six years," said Ben Lam, an entrepreneur who together with Church, co-founded “Colossal”, a biological science and genetics company that supported the project.

Church said, "Until 2021, this was a kind of shelved project, but now it's feasible."

Mr. Church was a state-of-the-art geneticist and had been known for his track record of producing pigs with organs suitable for transplantation into humans.

He explained that he needed 42 genetic modifications to create a pig that could transplant organs into humans. "In the case of elephants, the number of modifications does not change much, even if the goals are different," he said.

According to Church so far, the research team had analyzed 23 genes of elephants and extinct mammoths. It was estimated that in order for Asian elephants to acquire the characteristics that allowed them to survive and reproduce in the Arctic Circle, it was necessary to simultaneously program "more than 50 modifications" in the genetic information of Asian elephants.

Such features would include a 10 cm insulating fat layer, 5 types of hair up to 1 meter in length, and small ears that could withstand the cold. They would also try genetic engineering to prevent tusks from growing so that they might not be targeted by poachers looking for ivory.

If they succeeded in programming cells that had these characteristics, they planned to use an artificial womb to grow from an embryo to a foetation. For elephants, this process took 22 months. However, this technology was still far from being established, and they did not rule out the possibility of using a living elephant as a surrogate mother.

Church said, "I think the editing will go well. We have a lot of experience in that. The production of artificial wombs is not guaranteed. This is not pure engineering, it has some scientific elements, so there is uncertainty. It will take longer to achieve."

Professor Love Dalén of the Stockholm Paleogenetic Center, who majored in mammoth evolution, considered this effort to be of scientific value. In particular, it was said to be useful for the conservation of endangered species that had genetic diseases or had lost genetic diversity due to inbreeding.

However, he also pointed out that the animals born here would not be mammoths, but long-haired, fat-storing elephants. He said he had few genetic clues on what made a mammoth a mammoth.

On the other hand, some had pointed out that there was an ethical problem in using a living elephant as a surrogate mother for the purpose of giving birth to a genetically engineered animal. Dalén said mammoths and Asian elephants were as different as humans and chimpanzees.

Mammoth expert Tori Herridge of the Natural History Museum in London said, "There are many problems with the idea of ​​reviving the mammoths to live in the Arctic and making the Arctic a better place for carbon storage.” Neither Dalén nor Herridge believed the idea that mammoths and other herbivores could maintain grasslands in the far north, could trample grass, knock down trees, and compress snow to preserve permafrost. Darren said, "There is nothing to show that putting a mammoth there can affect climate change."

After all, the goal of a mammoth revival as an ecosystem designer as described above might not be important. Many people might want to see mammoth-like animals at close range.

According to Ben Lam, there was no pressure to make money on this project. Lam likened the project to the Apollo program, as it could lead to innovations that could be applied to biotechnology and medical fields. The Apollo plan had worried people regarding space exploration, but it resulted in many great technologies such as GPS, he said.

              So, a genetics research team led by Professor George Church of Harvard Medical School has announced a project to create a mammoth like elephant. The research team's goal is not to clone mammoths, but to manipulate genes to create hybrids of elephants and mammoths that look like mammoths in appearance.

