Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:
China's first C919 jet bound for airline to enter final
assembly - regulator
Mon., September 13, 2021, 8:46 p.m.
COMAC hopes to obtain a type certificate, which certifies the model as airworthy, by the end of the year.
The board also approved proposals to adjust the current plans for obtaining the aircraft's production certificate, which is required for mass production, the regulator said, without giving further details. The C919 is currently in the more limited batch production phase.
(Reporting by Stella Qiu in Beijing and Jamie Freed in Sydney, editing by Richard Pullin)
北京/悉尼(路透社)——中國航空監管機構週一表示,中國首架交付客戶東航的 C919 窄體客機即將進入總裝階段,並將於年底前交付。
C919 是由國有飛機製造商中國商用飛機公司 (COMAC) 建造,將標誌著與空中巴士和波音公司製造的飛機競爭的長達十年的計劃中的一個里程碑。
中國民用航空局東部地區管理局(CAAC)在其社交媒體賬戶上表示,C919 項目的認證委員會於 9 月 10 日在上海開會,審查了中國商飛關於該飛機有關批量生產的報告。
C919 目前處於較有限的批量生產階段。
So, the C919, being built by
state-owned plane-maker Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), has marked a
milestone in a decade-long programme to rival aircraft made by Airbus and
Boeing. I am interested to know how will the market react to this new product.