2021年9月5日 星期日

Filipinos have the highest proportion of DNA from Denisovan – shed light on unravelling the mystery of evolution

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

フィリピンの民族、デニソワ人のDNAを最も高い割合で保有 進化の謎解明に光

2021.08.17 Tue posted at 13:30 JST

(CNN) 2010年に初めて発見された謎の初期人類「デニソワ人」。デニソワ人が存在していたことを示す化石上の決定的な証拠は、シベリアのアルタイ山脈のふもとにあるデニソワ洞窟で見つかった5つの骨だけだ。










(CNN) The mysterious early human being "Denisovan" was first discovered in 2010. The only definitive fossil evidence of the existence of the Denisovans were five bones found in the Denisova Cave at the foot of the Siberian Altai Mountains.

But now, the DNA of the Filipino people, 4828 kilometers away, could shed new light on the greatest mystery of human evolution.

According to a paper published in the US scientific journal Current Biology on the 12th, the Philippine ethnic group "Aita Magbucon” had the highest share of DNA derived from Denisovans.

The DNA of the Denisovans remains in some of today's humans because our ancestor, Homo sapiens, once met the Denisovans, had a sexual relationship and had children.

This "crossbreeding" occurred more than 50,000 years ago when modern humans left Africa and met Neanderthals and Denisovans. However, it would be difficult to identify where the encounter occurred, especially for Denisovans.

Siberia was the only place where Denisovan fossils had been found so far. Other than that, it was pointed out that the jawbones found in the Tibetan Plateau might belong to the Denisovans.

A Philippine-Swedish joint team now had extensively investigated human history in the Philippines, examining the genetic makeup of 118 groups.

As a result, it was found that Aita Magbucon possessed about 5% of the Denisova gene. According to the author of the paper, Mattias Jakobsson, a geneticist at the Uppsala University of in Sweden, this percentage was higher than the Australian Aborigines and Papuans, who had previously found to have about 4%.

The author pointed out that the findings reiterated that the Denisovans had once lived throughout Asia and that they most likely lived in the Philippines long before the arrival of Homo sapiens. It could also be seen that different Denisovan groups crossbred with Homo sapiens at different times and places.

              So, this is an important finding on human history. It is interesting to note the theory that the Denisovans had once lived throughout Asia and most likely they lived in the Philippines long before the arrival of Homo sapiens.

