2021年10月19日 星期二

US research - Excessive death during a pandemic – with huge racial bias

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

パンデミック下の超過死亡、人種に大きな偏り 米研究

2021.10.05 Tue posted at 14:58 JST

(CNN) 米国で新型コロナウイルス感染が拡大した昨年3~12月の死者が黒人や先住民、中南米系に大きく偏っていたことが、平年と比べて死者がどのくらい多かったかを示す「超過死亡」のデータから明らかになった。米国立がん研究所(NCI)主導の研究チームが、米内科の機関誌「AIM」に発表した。








(CNN) It became clear from the “excess death” data on the death toll from March to December last year when the new coronavirus infection spread in the United States, compared to normal years, that there was a large biased toward blacks, indigenous peoples, and Latin Americans. A research team led by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) published this in the US internal medicine journal "AIM".

The research team compared the number of exceptionally excessive deaths by types under race, ethnicity, gender, age, and the cause of death with the same period in 2019, based on death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and population estimates from the US Census Bureau.

According to the announcement, an estimated 2.88 million deaths were reported in the United States from March to December last year. The excess death toll was 477,200, of which 74% were caused by the new coronavirus infection.

After adjusting the age, regarding the excess mortality per 100,000 people, the blacks, indigenous peoples, and Latin American men and women were more than double the whites and Asians.

For excessive deaths per 100,000 people due to non-coronavirus infections, the black and indigenous groups were three to four times higher than whites, and those of Latin American descent nearly double. Reported causes of death include diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.

NCI researchers who led the team said that the majority of cases were not seeing a doctor under a pandemic due to worries, and the cases died of a new corona infection but were being misreported.

The researchers said that just focusing solely on the death toll of the new Corona would underestimate the true impact of the pandemic. It was said that the new data highlighted the long-standing racial disparities.

              So, regarding the excess mortality, the blacks, indigenous peoples, and Latin American men and women have been more than double the whites and Asians. This highlights the long-standing racial disparities in the US.

Note: Excess mortality, or excess death (超過死亡) is the actual number of deaths that exceeds the expected number of deaths calculated by using vital statistics, it is a situation where more people have died than expected. It is an idea of using the degree of excess death as an index to measure the magnitude of an epidemic.

