2021年10月13日 星期三


Recently Yahoo New on-line reported the following:

U.S. plans projects in Latin America countering China's Belt and Road

Mon., September 27, 2021, 2:00 a.m.

By Trevor Hunnicutt

WASHINGTON, Sept 27 (Reuters) - U.S. officials are set to tour Latin America this week to scout infrastructure projects as they prepare a counter to Chinese President Xi Jinping's multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative.

A delegation of diplomatic and development officials led by President Joe Biden's Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh is in Colombia, where they plan to meet President Ivan Duque, before stops later in the week to Ecuador and Panama, U.S. officials said.

The group is tasked with turning Build Back Better World (B3W), the international infrastructure investment initiative announced by the Group of Seven richest democracies in June, into reality. It's the first of several planned "listening tours."

In addition to meeting with Duque, Ecuadorean President Guillermo Lasso, and Panamanian officials, the trip will allow U.S. officials to speak with the private sector, civil society and "traditionally marginalized groups," officials said.

The program is focused on areas including climate, health, digital technology and gender equality, officials have said.

A formal U.S. B3W launch event is planned for early next year that will include details of some initial projects aimed at narrowing the $40 trillion needed by developing nations by 2035, according to a senior Biden administration official. It is not yet decided how much capital the program will ultimately allocate.

In just over a month, U.S. officials also plan to huddle with allies at the Group of 20 rich countries and COP26 climate change conferences in Europe, which China is also set to attend. Conversations will continue at Biden's planned Summit for Democracy in December.

China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which Xi launched in 2013, involves development and investment initiatives stretching worldwide. More than 100 countries have signed agreements with China to cooperate in BRI projects like railways, ports and highways.

"Very few of the projects make economic sense and they often have very poor labor and environmental standards," the Biden administration official said. (Reporting by Trevor Hunnicutt; Editing by Sam Holmes)


路透華盛頓927 - 美國官員本週將前往拉丁美洲考察基礎設施項目,以應對中國國家主席習近平耗資數万億美元的“一帶一路”倡議。

美國官員,由喬·拜登總統的副國家安全顧問Daleep Sing率領的外交和發展官員代表團正在哥倫比亞與總統Ivan Duque會面,然後在本週晚些時候前往厄瓜多爾和巴拿馬。

該小組的任務是將七國集團最富有的民主國家, 6 月所宣布的國際基礎設施投資倡議“重建更美好的世界”(B3W) 變為現實。這是計劃裡幾次“聆聽之旅”中的第一次。

官員們,除了會見Duque、厄瓜多爾總統Guillermo Lass和巴拿馬官員外,這次訪問還將讓美國官員與私營部門、民間社會和“傳統邊緣化群體”交談。


拜登政府一位高級官員表示,美國計劃於明年初舉行正式的 B3W 動活動,其中將包括一些旨在到 2035 年縮小發展中國家所需的 40 萬億美元的初始項目的細節。目前尚未決定該計劃將最終需要分配多少資金。

在短短一個多月後,美國官員還計劃在 20 國集團和歐洲 COP26 氣候變化會議上與盟友擠一起,中國也將參加。對話將繼續於拜登計劃中在 12 月舉行的民主峰會上進行。



       So, the Americana will send out a group that is tasked with turning Build Back Better World (B3W) into reality. It is an international infrastructure investment initiative announced by the Group of Seven. Let’s wait and see how this project will be played out.

