2020年10月1日 星期四

Before studying, to exercise for just 2 minutes would activate the brain – a Swedish study

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

勉強前の運動、わずか2分でも脳が活性化か スウェーデン研究

2020.09.12 Sat posted at 14:00 JST

(CNN) 勉強を始める前に気分がだるかったら、わずか2分間の運動をするだけでも脳が活性化する可能性がある――。そんな研究結果が先月、医学誌トランスレーショナル・スポーツ・メディシンに発表された。









(CNN) If you felt sluggish before you started studying, just two minutes of exercise could activate your brain. The results of such research were published in the medical journal Translational Sports Medicine last month.

A research team at the University of Jönköping in Sweden this time had analyzed the results of 13 studies that examined the effects of exercise targeting at those aged 18-35 done that was done from 2009 to 2019.

As a result, it was found that when young adults performed aerobic exercise from 2 minutes to 1 hour, their learning ability and memory ability would improve. Possible aerobic exercises included jogging, walking, and cycling.

The research team further pointed out that even 120 seconds of mild to intense exercise would improve "learning memory, planning and problem-solving abilities, concentration, and smoothness of words." The positive effect could continue for up to 2 hours.

The finding of a link between exercise and "learning ability" indicated that exercise before working or studying might be effective; but in order to determine the "optimal exercise strategy" , further research would be needed.

The authors of the paper regarding the mechanism of brain activation, explained that through exercise by performing aerobic exercise before encoding (brain coding), learning and memory functions could be improved. Encoding was the first process in which the brain storeed information, which corresponded to the stage of "information processing."

This was not the first study showing that exercise was good for your health.

According to a paper published in the journal of the American Neurological Society in May, a study was conducted on subjects with an average age of 66 years, and it was found that even elderly people could improve their thinking ability and language ability through regular exercise.

              I think it is common knowledge the doing exercise regularly is good for health in many respects.

