2020年10月8日 星期四

Botswana: Mass death of elephants - Is it due to the toxins in the drinking fountain?

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

ゾウの大量死、水飲み場の毒素が原因か ボツワナ

2020.09.22 Tue posted at 09:57 JST

(CNN) アフリカ南部のボツワナで野生のゾウ300頭以上が死んでいるのが見つかった問題で、政府の野生生物保護当局は21日、毒素を生成するシアノバクテリア(藍色細菌)が水飲み場で繁殖していたことが原因だったと発表した。しかし、一部の専門家はこの説明に納得していない。









(CNN) About the problem that more than 300 wild elephants were found dead in Botswana of southern Africa, on the 21st officials of the government wildlife protection bureau said that the cause was that toxin-producing cyanobacteria were breeding in the drinking fountain. However, some experts were not convinced by this explanation.

Elephant carcasses were found one after another during the three months from May to July this year. Initially, the cause was unknown, and in the midst of various speculations, the Botswana government ordered inspections of carcasses, soil, and water quality.

Cyanobacteria were bacteria that grew in water, but not all produce toxins. However, experts were concerned that the rise in water temperature associated with global warming could create conditions for bacterial growth and increase the toxins produced by cyanobacteria.

The number of African elephants inhabiting Botswana was 130,000, which was the highest on the African continent. Last year, the country was criticized by the international community for lifting the ban on elephant hunting.

Conservation group officials had pointed out that the elephant that died in May was suspected of being killed by poaching.

However, officials from the Botswana Wildlife and National Park Service said at a press conference on the 21st that the possibility of human involvement was almost completely ruled out, and explained that "as far as the available evidence is concerned, this is a natural phenomenon."

Furthermore, seeing the fact that all dead elephants did not had their tusks removed, he said that he supported the government's view that mass elephant death was a natural phenomenon, "the possibility of poaching has been ruled out".

Those experts who still unconvinced were demanding a full disclosure of government findings. Keith Lindsay, a biologist who specialized in elephants, threw out the question that "If the drinking fountain was the cause, why were only elephants affected?"

              It is nice to note that the unnatural death of the elephants could draw the attention of the elephant experts. They are the protectors of the wild life and the natural environment.

