2020年10月11日 星期日

China's richest man - the founder of China's drinking water company overtakes Jack Ma

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

中国一の富豪、飲料水企業の創業者に ジャック・マー氏抜く

2020.09.25 Fri posted at 17:29 JST

香港(CNN Business) 中国飲料水大手、農夫山泉の創業者である鍾睒睒氏がアリババ集団創業者の馬雲(ジャック・マー)氏を抜き、中国一の富豪に浮上したことが分かった。米ブルームバーグ通信がまとめた長者番付で明らかになった。








Hong Kong (CNN Business) It has been revealed that Zhōng shǎn shǎn, the founder of a Chinese drinking water giant Nongfu Spring, had surpassed Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma to become the richest man in China. This was revealed in the ranking of the richest people compiled by Bloomberg News.

Nongfu Spring was listed on the Hong Kong Exchange this month. At that moment, Mr. Zhong was already the third richest man in China. According to Bloomberg's calculations, Mr. Zhong's net worth reached US $ 58.7 billion (about 6.2 trillion yen) as of the 23rd, surpassing Mr. Ma's US $56.7 billion.

As a result, Mr. Zhong also overtook Mr. Ma Huateng (Pony Ma), the founder of Chinese IT giant Tencent. Unlike Jack Ma and Pony Ma, Zhong was not an IT entrepreneur. Other than Nongfu Spring, he was the head of the Beijing Wantai biopharmaceutical industry, a vaccine maker; and the company's listing in Shanghai this year also boosted Mr. Zhong's assets.

Mr. Zhong was also known for his modest friendships compared to other business owners, and was known as "a lone wolf."

Rupert Hoogewerf, who was running an asset research firm and working the Hurun Rich List had pointed out that "Zhong doesn’t have many entrepreneurial friends. He is the type who only concentrates on business."

However, even compared to the successful people so far, Mr. Zhong's achievements were remarkable. "He is one of the few people in China who has built not one but two $ 10 billion businesses"; "This is amazing." (Mr. Hoogewerf)

Mr. Zhong's success told the story that wealth was being created rapidly in China. According to the World's Billionaires list compiled by Rupert Hoogewerf, in the first half of this year, China already outnumbered the United States and India together in the number of wealthy individuals with assets of more than $ 1 billion.

              Given CCP loves to have a hand in everything, I am wondering, as China is seeing itself as a socialist state in an early stage and is moving towards communism, will it do something on those extremely rich people in their country, for example to share their wealth with the society so that the nation could look more like a egalitarian state.

(Note: Mr. Rupert Hoogewerf is known by the name (Hu Run) in the Chinese speaking world. He is a qualified chartered accountant (ICAEW) and has been working for Arthur Andersen before launching his Hurun Report in 1999. He is best known for his Hurun Rich List which gives a ranking on the wealthiest individuals in China.)

