2020年10月16日 星期五

Mr. Biden - President Trump's new corona infection is "his own personal responsibility"

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2020.10.06 Tue posted at 17:47 JST

 (CNN) 米大統領選の野党・民主党候補、バイデン前副大統領は5日夜、遊説先の米フロリダ州で、トランプ米大統領が新型コロナウイルスに感染したのは本人の責任との見方を示した。








(CNN) Former Vice President Joe Biden, a candidate for the Democratic Party of the United States, said on the night of the 5th in Florida, the destination of giving a speech that it was the US President Donald Trump’s own responsibility for being infected with in the new Coronavirus.

At a civic rally in Miami in Florida, Biden said, " It's my idea that people who get infected while saying that masks and interpersonal distance are not important are responsible for what happens to them. "

This was the most direct criticism that Biden had made against Trump since his infection was confirmed on the 2nd.

Biden displayed a mask on the stage and said, "I think wearing this mask is more of a patriotic responsibility than protecting myself."

Just before Mr. Trump was discharged from the hospital, he said on Twitter, "Don't be afraid of the new virus infection. Don't get your life controlled." And stressed that "I hope no one interprets the new virus as not a problem"; "This is a serious problem. It's an international pandemic. "

Biden said he had listened to experts on the phone and in online meetings three times a week for the past three months, perceiving that Trump’s infection was "not a surprise" given the latter’s actions.

Furthermore, he pointed out that more than 210,000 people had died in the United States so far. He said, "If nothing changes, another 200,000 people will die by the end of the year. If that happens, that would exceed the number of deaths in the four years of World War II in one year".

              I love and support the viewpoints expressed by Biden that “wearing a mask is more of a patriotic responsibility than protecting oneself”. And also, that “ the people who get infected while saying that masks and interpersonal distance are not important are responsible for what happens to them”.

